March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Fava/Broad Beans – The Complete Growing Guide

Wait! It’s not quite time to hang up your boots for the season yet. There’s a crop you can still sow that will give you some of your earliest harvests of 2023 if you get them in now!

It’s the vegetable that time forgot, the humble broad bean or fava bean. The long lost legume you’re going to love! Ben tells us all we need to know to grow these nutritious, delicious plump treats in this week’s episode.

Love beans? Watch these videos next:

Growing Beans From Sowing to Harvest

5 Best Bean Poles, Frames and Supports for Your Garden

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Fava/Broad Beans – The Complete Growing Guide

  1. I'm a serious pedant of advanced years. I'm British, though that's an accident of birth. It was only recently that I realised that AMERICAN fava beans are the same as our BROAD beans. Please oh please keep to names we know. Life is full of americanisms already. Otherwise I really enjoy your vids. Thank you!

  2. In Italy fava beans are a must during spring holidays of Easter. We eat them after a nice barbecue and along with Pecorino Romano cheese , love them, definetely gonna try to sow them this year!

  3. Thank you so much for a terrific video. Fava are my favorite! I have been planting them for the last two years, they are delicious boiled whole, cooked with lamb and tomato stew, the inner part can be cooked with white rice and dill, Yum! Even the dry fava can be boiled and topped with fried eggs, sprinkle of dry or fresh mint, olive oil and a splash of lemon as a breakfast fit for a king.

  4. I just boil the beans short before ready, then i bake in another pan some bacon bits when they are golden golden brown i add the beans and bake for some minutes. Really simple but i love it with some bread on a cold winter night

  5. Hey i have really gotten into your broadcasts. Great info and you make it look sooooo easy, but i do bring myself back to current day that i am a beginner and you have been doing this all your life. Thank god someone shows an interesting and informational show. i HAVE LEARNED A LOT , THANKS.

  6. This is my favorite broad bean recipe:
    Cook Gnocchi as to recipe ad the frozen broad beans ,in the last minute of cooking , drain , ad cream cheese with herbs or plain cream cheese. Top with bacon bids . My fast food recipe! Ready in five minutes

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