March 26, 2025

VIDEO: High Tunnel Tour and Harvest | VLOG

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Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

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– Growers Solution:

#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: High Tunnel Tour and Harvest | VLOG

  1. Cauliflower & Broccoli look amazing! I enjoyed hearing your reasoning on the high tunnel. This video felt like one of your "old" garden tours. Relaxed and easy going but full of results. Thank you again for sharing with us. Take care.

  2. Sweet Jess, Your cauliflower, and broccoli grew nice in the high tunnel. When you picked that cauliflower, I said to myself cauliflower soup baby!!! I learned how to make an amazing cauliflower soup from my exhusband. Were going to take an old portable garage frame and turn it into a high tunnel. I may have to plant cauliflower, and broccoli in the high tunnel. Every time I plant seedlings the worms, and bugs just destroy them.

  3. Jess, just my two cents on the citrus, they grow well in very huge planters. When I was younger I went to Spain and I saw how well the citrus grew in very huge planters in the inner court yards. I was surprised that they kept the height of all the citrus at six feet. The trees grew extremally wide and were full of fruit. Some were over 20 years old!!! When we planted our citrus trees, over 27 years ago, we did put them in the ground but kept the height at six feet. Very easy to harvest the fruit at that height. Some are ten feet wide! Branches are very stout and strong and hold the weight of the fruit very well. My son tells me the branches became stronger as the tree aged. I do have some in huge planters on my south facing patio. They are only five years old and I kept them very short because of my age. I still wanted to be able to care for them without causing any more pain in my old body, and harvest easily, lol. When we had that polar cold we almost lost everyone of the citrus trees. It stayed cold for to long! It was the saddest time for me and my garden. But, we have a few that made it. Yours should do very well in the high tunnels. You can always add free standing heaters to warm up the air should it be freezing for long periods because of some crazy cold snap coming in. GOD bless you all in Messiah Yeshua, Amen!

  4. The joy in your one orange, is how I feel in my zone 6b about my Meyer lemon plant that has given me 4 lemons in three years. I name them and plan how to celebrate them. Lol

  5. My parents bought a piece of land with a house on top of a hill. At the bottom of the driveway were 2 old oak trees. One of the first things mom said when she saw the place was, "We'll call it 'Twin Oaks'!" Those trees are over 100 years old. Just imagine the things they've seen! Thank you for making me think of that memory!

  6. Thanks for the tour Jessica! Things look great – I am trying to grow citrus as house plants because it is too cold here otherwise. With the Brussel sprouts, I would suggest removing all the lower leaves as they will then send energy to making them bigger. I love the story of the oak…will be watching that video as I have not seen yet…I do wonder if the oak you have growing are the same as our oak in that they have a tap root and therefore do not lend themselves well to pots….just something to consider. Thanks again for the tour…things look great.

  7. Putting the citrus into big colorful pots would also serve to extend the beauty of the greenhouse garden area into the functionality of the high tunnels. Later on when you add gravel to the other half, maybe also add some colored gravels or stones as well to pull the color through?

  8. Red limes: HOT DAYS: sorbet, gelato, Italian ice, lime-aid, cheesecake, a red lime pie/like a keylime pie. COLD DAYS: lime and ginger tea, Chicken chilli with lime fajitas, steak fajitas with a Lime Chipotle sauce, steak marinated in lime Chipotle marinade, lime and honey glazed lamb chops/rack of lamb or crown ra k of lamb, Garlic lime pork chops/ pork loin/shortribs, curried goat stew with lime, lime marinated goat leg called prime chevon? Want more ideas? Also can make MARMALADE.

  9. The cauliflower leaves make great winter kimchi!!!! If she likes spicy vegetables then cauliflower, broccoli and kale kimchi will be up her alley. Takes 2 days on counter to start fermentation maximum in your area. I KNOW made kimchi when I lived in South Carolina and Georgia. Tip only fill jars 3/4 full due to fermentation growth. Depending on how sour you want the kimchi the longer you leave it out with cheese cloth cover for 1 to maximum 4 days. After put plastic lid and in refrigerator or root cellar. Kimchi is best in either a kimchibcrock or sauerkraut crock than in jars but jars work but with refrigerator takes 2 weeks for best prebiotic. Can be eaten fresh but has less prebiotic benefits.

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