March 18, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Ways to Help Build Healthier Better Soil

  1. To add to the bank account analogy…just as banks can add to the money you put in and increase your balance, so to can many soil amendments add nutrients at the time of input but also later down the road by building better soil health.

  2. I've had our local utility company that cuts and chips trees to add hundreds of tons of chips to cover my two acres. I need more nitrogen and many pounds of lime.

  3. Wood chips have a lot of carbon. Wood chips will pull nitrogen from your soil as it decomposes. Will need source of nitrogen if using Wood chips.
    I did not hear you mention manure. Using animals bedding adds manure which is high into n nitrogen. The straw or bedding has carbon. So you get nutrients and organic material for structure.

  4. You can break down woodchips or leaves even faster if you grow mushrooms in them. For woodchips, wine caps work well. For leaves, wood blewits can help. I mention these because they're also choice edibles. Though you may have native fungi that colonize your mulch instead, and those work just as well.

  5. I put Humichar in my soil with great results. It preserves moisture, encourages good bacteria, and makes a good home for micronutrients. Now that we are in the winter, I would be interested in your reviews of grow lights.

  6. I was listening to the video while I was driving (not watching). At the end when the audio changed, I thought one of my gardening podcasts had suddenly turned on from Spotify and was even more confused when it started talking about bagged compost. Then I realized it was Luke's voice and not my phone or car being psycho

  7. Dear Luke, compost can be topped. Have you ever tried Bokashi? Anyone can make this type of compost, and the effects in the garden are tremendous! I have also been making my compost, horse and chicken manure and lawn clippings into Terra Preta for the past two years – fantastic! Luckily we are able to get large quantities of biochar for a reasonable price here in Germany, and producing effective microorganisms is easy. Bokashi and Terra Preta have revolutionalised our garden experience, are wonderful soil builders and an important contribution to a healthier environment by binding CO2.

  8. Luke, you are the best. You make it so easy to understand the lessons that you are teaching us. You are very informative and usually give me a few reasons to smile. Thoroughly enjoy your videos!

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