June 9, 2024

VIDEO: UPDATE on Winter Kill COVER CROP Daikon Radish

UPDATE on Winter Kill COVER CROP Daikon Radish. See the decay of these radishes helping build soil over winter.




Subscribe to My CHANNEL : https://youtube.com/user/iamnjorganic

Mycorrhizal list : http://www.rootnaturally.com/PlantListMycorrhizal.pdf

Seeds USED From : https://www.johnnyseeds.com/

: https://www.rareseeds.com/ Baker Creek

: https://www.highmowingseeds.com/

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: UPDATE on Winter Kill COVER CROP Daikon Radish

  1. You have inspired me to get daikon radish seeds that I plan to grow some this spring so I can harvest the seeds again but also I plan to plant others in the fall. I also got oilseed radish or driller radish that’s like a daikon just for drilling holes in my clay soil to help break it up

  2. I am totally geeking out here with you! That's beautiful! Your soil looks amazing, and the food for the soil is so exciting! Plus you don't have to actively kill the cover crop! In 3 to 4 months that bed is going to be so ready to plant in. I've read that the daikon smells pretty bad when it rots. I have a plant eating lab, and this would drive him crazy. Also, I have close neighbors. Do you think it's that bad of a smell to be a problem where I am? Small garden farmer here. Looking forward to your updates, as always.

  3. I have been searching for a cover crop that I do not have to kill in the spring with chemicals and or does not add to weed growth during vegetable growing season. Any suggestions? Thank you so much for the informative video.

  4. Mark, In the Spring, do you use a weed wacker to cut off the tops of the henbit & purple dead nettle to terminate & leave the roots in the ground or something else?

  5. What month did you plant the DKR? I have looked at DKR in the past, but the price always scared me away. Winter Re is so cheap it is hard not to go it most of the time. In the summer/ early fall I have done a few rotations of Buckwheat because it grows so fast but again, the cost is up there.

  6. When would you suggest planting Daikon Radish as a cover crop in zone 4? I planted some in 2021 but they were not very big by the time frost killed them off. I also grew winter rye in 2021 in half of my garden, I terminated early in 2022 and I thought it turned out very well. All thanks too you.
    2023 summer will be my 3rd year at my new house with new garden, and trying to make it into no till but soil is still pretty hard. I have been covering my soil with all the fall leaves and grass clippings. No weeds its fantastic, just need to get my soil more loose.

  7. Hi Mark, I am new to your channel and just started to plant fruit trees and shrubs into old vineyard that was removed for most part. It is on a slope so there might be a water(ing) problem. The soil is sandy on the top but has clay when you dig in. I made somme traces to stop the water from draining, plan to do some deep water pipe irrigation, have applied some mulch. Would it be a good idea to grow some cover crops like you did on your peaches video to establish the young trees? Your thoughts on Hugel technique? There are also old fruit trees, cherries, figs, plums on the property doing great. I will make sure to watch your videos where you may cover all this already before asking 1000 questions. Loved your video on how to plant fruit trees! I am eating fruit mostly for a couple of years since it helped to cure some autoimmune disorder with my muscles preventing me to drive the car, and play the guitar(I am artist and a teacher) along with some other problems. So I would like to grow the best fruit trees possible in the future to come. Thanks!

  8. Hey Mark, thank you for your work in showing the importance of soil biology! I've been thinking about ground cover fabric used to prevent germination of weed seeds, and it's effect on soil biology. Do you use ground fabrics, and if so, have you noticed any difference in the health of the soil after the fabric is removed?

  9. Thanks for all your knowledge. I planted daikon in my raised bed and the didn't freeze so now I have a bed of green daikon. The daikon is about one inch in diameter. I live in El Paso texas zone 8a. The nights are in the 39-40-50⁰ and days mid 60-70⁰. Do I wait or till in? Not sure what to do now. Thank you for all your informative videos.

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