March 26, 2025

VIDEO: A Tomato Growing Trick That Seems Insane, But Works Like a Charm

If you like the flavor of heirloom tomatoes but the performance of a hybrid, grafting tomatoes is a surprisingly easy and fun way to get the best of both worlds. By combining a rootstock tomato like the ‘Fortamino’ with your favorite heirloom, you can boost its resistance to disease, the number of tomatoes per truss, and even the leaf cover to help prevent sunscald.


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00:00 – Intro
00:30 – What Is Grafting
01:51 – What You Will Need
03:06 – 1. Top Grafting
07:10 – 2. Cleft Grafting
10:46 – Post Grafting


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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Tomato Growing Trick That Seems Insane, But Works Like a Charm

  1. Thanks for the video! I had no idea that this could be done with tomatoes. I moved to Brazil a year ago and growing heirloom tomatoes here has been a struggle to say the least. There are bacteria and fungi here that are extremely hard to control. I am going to try this method right away, grafting an heirloom type to a hybrid that I purchased here in Brazil that has a lot of resistance to disease. Hopefully I will be successful and be able to grow a wide variety of tomatoes like I have done most of my life in the good ole USA!

  2. Hey Great video! Have had a low key nursery for over five years, and always looking to add new stuff to sell. I will definitely be adding this to the inventory next season.
    Here on the Rainy side of the Island, if you don't have a green house, cherry tomatoes is all that produce.
    So I look forward to trying this root stock out on some larger tomatoes, and hopefully I can get one to take.

  3. If you are wanting it to grow from something that's strong, fast grower, disease resistant could you graft it to a sweet million variety of the cherry tomato family?

  4. Hey Kevin, I planted my gardens a month ago and my tomatoes cucs etc have hardly grown 2 inches, I get the weather did this, I'm near you in SoCal where it's been unseasonably cool/overcast, but I noticed my topsoil looks very "sandy". Would it still be a benefit to add healthy soil on top and water it in? I obviously cant till it much with seedlings in the ground. I'd hate to lose my entire crop having overvalued the condition of my soil. I added plenty of fresh soil last year, but I seriously injured my back so I couldn't grow last year…I assumed the sol would still be fertile but I was mistaken, when I water the earth looks mediocre at best. I did turn it over 2 feet deep and added some, soil/manure but looks like not enough fresh soil. My Basil leaves look pale….Thx Brother

  5. Hi Kevin, i grow tomatoes and what I get from this vid is a stronger root stock to produce higher yields Right? So I was under the impression that you graft a different Tomatoe onto another plant so 2 varieties grow on the same plant.
    Isnt that the idea? Have you done this?

  6. Very interesting but I am not sure Why anyone would want to do this, you did not say. And what are the cons? Will this delay fruiting? And how to pick a rootstock and a plant to graft.

  7. So if you had very limited space say on a small balcony, you could actually graft a variety of shoots onto one strong base and get several types off the one bush! Cool Maybe I'll try that one day to see if it works. Right now I have 16ac to plant onto if I wanted so no real drive but who knows what will happen in future. And it would not HAVE to be the Fortamino seedling for the rootstock? All you are wanting is a strong healthy rootstock so any that is like that would do?
    Except you probably would not want to mix a determinate with an indeterminate. Well that's how I see it anyway.

  8. Have you tried to graft watermelon on top of potato plant? I do not have the video but you are supposed to get both melon and somewhat smaller potato . I want to try these grafting methods.

  9. What do you do with the little plastic tubes that you used to fuse the two plants together? Surely you can leave them on? Wouldn't strangle the plant as it grew wider?

  10. i did this with ameila and some other tomato, and with pepper plants. after a storm wiped out my crop. electrical tape and that's it . and had no idea if it would work. well one ameila is in a wicking tub and i moved into my shop under a light for winter. its still producing tomatoes after 2 yrs. have 21 tomatoes on it right now and already eating fresh maters in may and i had no idea what i was doing. lol. and i have 4 plants from suckers from this plant already with tomatoes on it. and for some reason there only 2ft tall . but loaded with 30 plus fruit on them. had no clue of what i was doing just tried to save the broken crushed plants and it worked. bell peppers i did it too i ended up with the best pepper production i have ever had. could pick 40 plus peppers every two weeks and im not a gardner. hey now i know really what to do lol. dam hurricane

  11. Does it work to graft a sucker onto a root stock? And is it worth using grafting to repair a tomato that has had damage like its top knocked off?

  12. I'll try this next year. If I remember. My dad always ends up having about 10 extra plants with no homes, so it looks interesting, and everytime I try something new in the garden I just lord over it intently, so it'll likely be a fun experience.

  13. You know what they don't tell you about growing your favorite fruits an veg though? Once you find that variety you love the most, you're gonna just ruin store bought for yourself lol

    This week I felt an impatient tomato craving while looking at the first few flowers on my cherokee purple & brandywine plants, so I went an got some standard slicing tomatoes from the store an man…. they are so disappointing! I'm too spoiled for store bought tomatoes lol

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