June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Sprouting Lentil Seeds is Easy! AND Delicious!

Sprout lentil seeds easily in either a mason jar or a colander. In this video I’m using a sprouting tray, it looks similar to a colander but its made specifically for sprouting. You can find it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/2ZHvRIt
It’s so easy to do!
If you would like a full text of the video you can find it here: https://tikki.co/simple-to-grow-lentil-sprouts-in-sprouting-tray/

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Sprouting Lentil Seeds is Easy! AND Delicious!

  1. As usual you presented us a great video full of instructions.
    Very inspiring. Thanks.

    Ah, my 3 kratky tomatoe plants are 3 feet tall and yesterday I saw some flowers. I am very happy.

  2. I really enjoy your videos! I'm a newbie so your detailed instructions are appreciated. I bought the sprouting tray and today is my first day sprouting broccoli and friends. Already have tails! I'm excited to try the lentils next. Thank you again for sharing.

  3. Thank you for the video! your voice is so soothing and calming. Im on day 4 now cant wait to eat them!
    Amazing tips, I never thought of the tray! ill use it in the future. THANKS AGAIN 🙂

  4. I like the outdoor background you've chosen. Especially the winter one. It points to the marvel of being able to grow food (indoors) no matter the season or weather. Sometimes we have hail which never gives me a qualm about my sprouts of microgreens.

  5. I just used a flat collander that I already owned, sprouted lentils for a week, and got green (not yellow) sprout tops. I think your sprout tops were yellow due to no light?? I like the green tops better; just my preference. Thanks for another great video!

  6. Your videos popped up in my recommendations and I am so HAPPY they did! LOL! I love your presentation style. So easy to follow your instructions. Thank you so very much!

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