July 7, 2024

VIDEO: LOSS Never Gets Easier

It was Bubba’s time to go but loss is never easy.
Lots of years, drama & beautiful babies to show from this girl.
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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: LOSS Never Gets Easier

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. They are family, these wonderful creatures…. Each and every one of my “critters” are part of my life. My heart hurts each time I lose one of my animals, no matter how small they are. My hens and roosters bring me joy and also pain when I lose them. I’m sure some folks would roll their eyes at the thought of tears shed for a chicken or goat, but not me, they are family.

  2. I raise Nubians, too, and still grieve the loss of my original mama goat. These animals are such an integral part of our lives, and we do our best to give them a good life.

    Our animals give us so much more than food for our bodies. They fill our hearts, and help to knock down the rough edges of our personalities.

    I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful girl. Some goats are in the other side, waiting. I've a feeling Bubba is one of them. <3

  3. We're so sorry for your loss. People might say "loss is expected on a homestead" but that doesn't ever make it easier. We love your channel and keep you in our prayers.

  4. All part of God's design…but He never said it would be easy! We do all we can to give them good lives while they're here. If she was running around with the other goats and eating treats in her last days, that says "Good Life" to me.

  5. It's so hard to lose our animals. You're right; it never gets easier and I'm sorry about Bubba. She was beautiful.
    I'm going to post what happened here in case it might help someone else.
    Two days ago I lost Grace, my Buff Brahma. We were fighting vent gleet and she had lost weight but was acting like she felt fine and was slowly getting better. I took her special breakfast of homemade yogurt with sunflower seeds and meal worms to her with some antibiotic mixed into her yogurt. She had sounded congested two nights before but I put some VetRx oil on her nostrils and feathers and it went away. Sometimes they stir up dust in their coop and get congested and that helps. She ate most of her breakfast but the congestion had come back and her comb and wattles were dark red instead of bright red like the others. I started looking things up and saw that it meant she wasn't getting oxygen into her lungs. I picked her up to bring her into the house and before we got to the back door she started throwing up her breakfast, which is something chickens aren't supposed to be able to do. She went limp in my arms then pulled her head up. I thought if I put her down she might be able to get oxygen but she kept falling over so I picked her back up and held her. She just couldn't breathe and died in my arms. I laid her down on the patio and she had three spasms then her eyes closed. I gave her the best burial I could considering it was going to pour down rain at any time, which started just as the last of the dirt was moved.
    I've been crying every day since then. My chickens are not just livestock to me, they're my babies, they depend on me and because I do all this alone, I depend on them and I love them. God gave them to us to care for and if He loves a sparrow enough to provide food that it doesn't have to store up on it's own and take care of it then he loves our chickens, goats, cows, horses, dogs, cats, etc too. He didn't put them on this earth to not care about them or give them love. If God loves them then we should too.
    This part is just because I need to vent and no one close to me cares but I wish a certain member of my family would understand that and stop criticizing and lecturing me because I don't feel or believe the same way he does about the animals God has placed in our care. Patara, you are so right, we need to respect their lives and what they provide for us. In my case it's not only breakfast but love and companionship from someone that depends on me. That little chicken has literally cried on my shoulder when other chickens were mean to her. If she could have cried tears she would have. She was at the bottom of the pecking order and sometimes the other girls were pretty mean to her and that was another reason she was so special to me.
    This morning I woke up from a dream that I went into a store and Grace was wandering around inside then came up to me and asked, "Mama, am I in hell?" I don't know what that is supposed to mean and I've never dreamed anything like that before but it broke my heart even more.

  6. No it doesn't. Few months ago my biggest problem was how to get a fire under my other half fanny to buckle down save n get outta here.. now be spending Xmas as I did Halloween Thanksgiving without him. Early Halloween morning he died slipped into old bad habits and I found him too late.. now I'd just be happy to go thru whats coming with him no matter where it is. Certainly derailed my train. Like I've been telling ppl since.. tell those u love exactly how much they mean to u. Let go of the lil fights n things u hold on to and love the ppl around u like they were gonna be gone tommarow life is long when lived with regrets.. the things ull wish uve done n said n had let go will sadly be many n it will be suffocating. Love like the Lord loves us. Harder done then it is said. Enjoy n be grateful for those around u this holiday n each n every day. He was only 43 I thought we had all this time. U never ever know. Blessings to you all please take the advice.

  7. "Yesterday she was slow but eating." – while you saw it coming, and it's hard (oh Lord is it) at least it was rather sudden and not long and drawn out with, let's say, cancer or the kin. She led a good life and her loss will never go away, but she's with God now and remember in the book of Revelation Jesus said "Behold, I make all things new".

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