June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Don't Spend More for Organic Seeds Until You See This

People often ask why I don’t care if my seeds are certified organic. As long as the seeds I am using are heirloom and non-gmo, I really do not care about if they are organic or not. I will explain why.
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Don't Spend More for Organic Seeds Until You See This

  1. Thanks for taking the time to contribute some proportionality to people's concerns about pesticides and other chemicals. Understanding chemical hazards is extremely complex but as a prerequisite, everyone needs to understand the concept of concentration and dilution. That being said, though while I agree that a chemically treated seed doesn't pose a chemical hazard to a person consuming the finished product, I wonder what other effects it may have. For example, many seeds are treated with fungicides to prevent rot prior to germination. Could these same chemicals inhibit a plant's ability to connect to surrounding myccorhizae, which are in the same kingdom as fungal pathogens? Just a thought.

  2. The main reason to buy organic seeds is to support organic growers. The more organic growers, the less the use of the chemicals impacts the planet. That being said, I am about to become a customer, because heirloom/non-GMO are also my values. Plus, your seeds are affordable. Thanks!

  3. I know I asked this question in the comments of a past video, and I did think the same thing. Thank you for answering/commenting on this. I still love your channel and just placed my first of many orders with you guys ;)! If my doctor didnt state that what I eat has to be organic for health reasons I would be right along with you. SO when my body is healed I definitely wont be as meticulous of getting organic seeds.

  4. Why not GMO seeds? I was opposed to them also until I did a 20/20 research on them for the FDA. They can ward off diseases and pests. It's a great thing for the farmer these days. Even my grandson who is in his Junior year in high school ask me why everyone is so against them. His favorite subject is Science and he's being taught the benefits that GMOs are having in our society. I had no answer then and still I just don't see the harm in GMOs. I love to garden for my families food and nutrition, on a small scale but this year the pests were horrible. . I live in NC near the SC border and I have had many hornworms and other pest to invade my crops until I spotted them and removed them. It's really heartbreaking to walk out in the garden and spot a hornworm that has already eaten the top of one of my tomato plant. I took him way down in the woods and let him go. Anyway please tell me if you would ever consider GMO seeds. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  5. your example doesn't speak for how dangerous the chemicals are in the first place. even in your final example, the traces alone may be so harmful as to justify buying only organic. further, what you've suggested doesn't speak for cumulative amounts of built up poison. organic or nothing.

  6. Late to comment on this but another major point to make is healthier bodies are able to expel more toxins – as are healthy plants. Organically home grown crops are so much healthier that your plants and bodies are able to expel that much more toxins

  7. I can not eat those chemicals let in the plant. the point is not eat the chemicals, your body can't properly them ingest. they go to your blood, muscles, and bones can cause all types of sickness.

  8. THIS IS TOTAL BS! You pay no attention whatsoever to the environment where the seeds are grown and farm workers are exposed to toxic chemicals (perhaps you don't care about other people and organisms?) . Further, as a plant breeder and organic seed grower, I know from direct experience that plants adapt to their environment over time and that chemically grown seeds will perform best with similar cultural treatment. Also, organically grown seeds and plant selection contribute significantly to how they grow and perform in similar environments. Your argument is like saying, "well you might as well buy the cheapest food available because it doesn't really matter." Perhaps you should act like a scientist of ag. researcher and perform a variety trial of organic vs. non-oraganic seeds and then see how it works out before you continue to distribute complete misinformation and a waste of our time.with .

  9. My husband will be glad to hear this….Never can know what is what people confuse it up so much…I was even told the chemicals/pesticides will remain in the seeds If that is wrong then I"ve wasted my money for sure on that! Urgh! I just bought some of your seeds BTW! You have good reviews but I'm in 8a 8b range hope I got the right stuff wasn't sure about zones!

  10. Thanks for the experiment! Im trying to learn as much as I can about organic vs. non organic seeds. It would be cool if someone did an actual lab experiment where they test hundreds of seeds both organic and non to see what heavy metals and toxins are present. But there are still things we cant control. Even though we may be gardening with organic practices doesnt mean that aluminum and other heavy metals arent falling from the sky from chemtrails. Or when your neighnors treat thier lawn, all that gets blown into your garden. Haha there is only so much you can control. But this does raise the question, what are the qaulifications to grow certified organic crops for seeds? Does the seed company have to disclose to you thier gardening practices?

  11. Gmo literally creates pesticides within the cells of the plant…. and the biggest source of seeds are pumped from the mega wealthy businesses giving you what ever seeds they want. What does that mean? It means they can manipulate the seeds to do what ever they want to you because there is nothing forbidding them from stopping those in power from controlling and altering the population the way they want.

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