September 28, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Sunday Night Live Chat with Jess & Miah (Snowed In with Hand Hewn and Friends)

  1. Appreciate your explanation of why things die so we can have food…vegetables and animals alike. Very forthright. Thanks! Enjoyed your friends as well as your family always! Hugs! T

  2. I am watching after the live but saw in the live comments someone mention Justin Rhodes did a video on the Great American Farm Tour of a butchering – just an FYI that that video was of these guys. If you go to their Great American Farm Tour playlist, it's one of the first stops on the tour.

  3. I couldn't even watch this in it's entirety – Not gonna lie, I find it deeply, deeply, deeply disturbing the disconnect of having animals and not bonding with them, but instead murdering them. I absolutely adore everyone of my chickens and would keep them even if they didn't lay eggs. I also don't find it sustainable in the least. I was raised on a traditional farm in the 80s, with a fundamental Baptist upbringing – it wasn't until my 20s I discovered the "Genesis Diet" and it transformed my life and softened my heart. Personally, I don't think the creator would be on board with aware beings killing his works but then everybody is on their own journey. I do like everything else you cover though.

  4. I think I like the zip up because it doesnt get very cold here in Las vegas. Our lows are usually in the 30s and warm up to the 50s during the day. I like the option of having a sweater that i can wear as it warms up. I feel like a pull over is all or none.

  5. Heritage breed, Diet of the pig, living conditions, and properly preparing first in a traditional method such as soaking in vinegar marinade as per nourishing traditions book and Weston Price foundation are all possibilities of things that could help someone be able to eat pork again that thinks they are sensitive or allergic to it

  6. Would you ever consider doing a cook book? I think it would be amazing to have something with all of your canning and freezing tips and tricks all in one place. I struggle to make sure I’m utilizing every bit of my garden as possible and having all that information in one place would be amazing!!

  7. Miah, my next one will be a zip up. The My Food Comes Dirty was a hoodie when my husband ordered. I had to have it for the design. Still love you, Jess! I would love for you guys to move to NC. I am a teacher and would love to help making your teaching dream come true. I teach 5th grade. You are a natural borne teacher. I love seeing you with your boys.

  8. Hey dear ones, I would love to buy your book!
    Too bad that I'm up to now allergic to pork!! You describe it like a delicacy I would love… like tasty art. So I guess, I better search for home-grown-pig-parts… Thanks for the tip!
    Love from The Netherlands,

  9. There is no way I could eat the organs/innards…when I was a kid my dad made mlm me eat souse…I chewed and gagged. I had to help my grandma clean the intestines of a hog…on her kitchen table, on Christmas Eve. She deep-fried the chittlins and then I was made to try those too. Stinky food, stinky house. No more innards for me!!

  10. I think this video is great and incredibly informative, and I've been an avid watcher of Jess for a couple of years now. But come on, are all these people unaware there's a deadly pandemic going on right now, or do they just not believe in it?

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