July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Put Your GRANNY PANTIES On & Tell THEM to Stick IT!

WHY are you allowing fools to STOP you from taking care of your family?
STOP that yesterday.
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching! 😊
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle: https://amzn.to/3ot1KEb
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
~ Quail Egg Scissors: https://amzn.to/3GDds6e
~ Energy Bomb: https://amzn.to/3oh34dm
~ All American 921 Canner: https://amzn.to/3w88tpG
~ Fight Bac: https://amzn.to/3CkoniV
Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~ Facebook Premium Group: goo.gl/n4bnMo
~ Instagram:https://goo.gl/PjL8qp

*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933


#appalachiashomestead #easttennesseehomesteader #preparenow

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Put Your GRANNY PANTIES On & Tell THEM to Stick IT!

    Didn't see that one coming.
    It seems you're to the point.
    And all that implies •
    Actually it's a no brainer. We have arrived.
    So…….here we go. LET'ER RIPP

  2. I had someone tell me that "preparing" isn't biblical. WRONG! Genesis 6: 21&22 And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee , and for them. Thus did Noah' according to all that God commanded him, so did he. Genesis 41:48 He(Joseph) gathered all the food of the seven years when there was plenty in the land of Egypt, and stored up food in the cities; he stored up in every city the food from the fields around. Joseph did this as God had commanded because God told Joseph that there would be 7 years of famine. With this I store items. I do not consider it my "insurance policy" because my house could burn down tomorrow and it would all be gone. My faith is in God. Prepared, not scared is how I live. I also believe in the manna from heaven because the bible states it is so. I believe God gave me the talents to garden, green house, can everything under the sun, dehydrate and root cellar. I have always lived in the country so we prepare for the possibilities of anything. My husband seriously injured his back at home 5 years ago which caused him to be out of work for 1 full year. I had to be home to take care of him. We didn't have $1.00 worth of income during that year. We also never missed a meal, a house payment or a utility bill payment. Why? Because we were prepared. It's using the good sense God gave us and a lot of prayer.

  3. The ones who try to make you look silly are going to be the first ones knocking on the door when the shtf. Those types are the very one I will throw a pack of Ramen Noodles at and tell them, "Happy trails to you!" They will no be allowed in, much less to stay. I'm a lot like The Little Red Hen.

  4. As a momma of the 70’s, 80’s, and the 90’s, prepping is not new. Keep on keeping on. I do not give a crap what others think nor should you. It s none of any ones business how you run your family. I just smile and nod and say ok. While I am just sitting on a pantry and freezer full of a years’ worth of food. Thanks for the info Patara.

  5. Patara, my sister and I live thousands of miles apart but we both watch your videos and are sooo encouraged and inspired by you to keep pressing on in prepping to care for our kids even if we are ALONE in it now. Our brothers and parents don't get it. You're too young to be our mom so we consider you our "big sister." ❤️ Thanks for the pep talk!

  6. Patara, Just watched a private military channel of people in the field. He announced this evening "the Russians are moving fighter and surveillance planes into Cuba". This is real people. Find a safe place because it isnt a time to be weak. Get out there and get stocked NOW. We are back to the Kennedy days. 🙁

  7. You are so right! A 16 year plan for America has been put back in place since the Jackel has been in office! So check it out people and be awake to the evil in the land! The Father told me little by little but I have been getting ready for quite a while. Coming from a 75 year old grandmother!

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