March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Patara's Garden Tour 2015~

A walk through the 2015 gardens and some of the things we did and how we manage pest control!
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Patara's Garden Tour 2015~

  1. Your garden looks great! Up farther north and in mountains here we have a much later start, and one thing after another has been going wrong for me this year. I've got to get one of those owls, might keep the wild bunnies out. I'm about to build a wattle fence. I also need to get some form of irrigation set up, would you believe my house has no outdoor spigot. Love your accent reminds me of friends I had growing up in ky.

  2. I hope you always continue to share your lifestyle via videos. Listening and watching is better than therapy. It takes me back to my childhood when I lived like this with my grandparents. Thanks for sharing.

  3. You didn't have any problems using the neem oil? I had tons of bee's and butterflies and other beneficial insects in my garden this year but I also had issues with other bad insects so I used the neem and when I did all my beneficial insects like bee's vanished. I won't use it again.

  4. How has the pollination been with your corn? Ive tried the 3 sisters but the first time I did it I had maybe 4 corn plants in each section and they did not pollinate well at all. I had to end up doing bigger blocks and have beans climb the outer plants.

  5. Your garden looked great and I know about the hard work in the garden. Have you looked at the Back to Eden garden style I'm starting this style this year no watering not many weeds or grass and no bug spray.

  6. I've caught two rabbits in my live traps. I don't like to mess with animals in their natural habitat. But gardening is a lot of hard work, and rabbits will eat an entire garden in two days. I did make a scarecrow with my daughter and didn't get any deer issues in the far garden (outside our perimeter fence–where dogs can't get). I also keep a small garden close to the house for herbs, lettuce and some potted plants like peppers, small tomatoes and exotics, or anything I want to keep a closer eye on. We choose to keep our chickens free-range full-time, so that has also been a battle, but mostly under control now. .

  7. LOVE THIS! So much helpful information. I have bookmarked it for future reference. Thank you so much for taking the time to do these videos and share this wonderful info with the rest of us.

  8. patara, i enjoyed your video on your garden tour. it would be wonderful to have that much space. i garden in containers in my yard. of course the deer have a feast in it. i heard someone say that a radio would deter the deer, think i will try it. you're verylucky it seems.

  9. What a beautiful garden! You are going to be blessed with a plethora of food when it all comes in! I was reading through all of the comments and I am amazed at all the knowledge out there! I don't need to tell anyone that I am not a Homesteader, but I have such respect and admiration for everyone who is! I guess you might call my grandmother (when she was alive) one. She had a beautiful, vibrant and abundant little garden. Had an apple tree that produced the healthiest and crunchiest apples ever. Made delightful pies. She had a grapevine that was 50 years old. Concord grapes. She made jams and jellies from the grapes.. She did a lot of canning. Made homemade bread and biscuits from scratch. I remember in my youth, her having a wringer washing machine. Mama & Daddy bought her a clothes dryer, and she would still hang her laundry out on the lines to dry-even in the dead of winter. After she died, that dryer was still like brand new. She had to work a full time job, b/c my sweet Pawpaw was disabled with crippling rheumatoid arthritis in his 50's. I don't think I've heard you ever mention Miss P, but did all your people (or your husband's) farm for their livelihood? Make a video and tell us your story-back it up though. Did you go to college? Start from there. Tell us how you met your sweetheart (husband) and ya'lls story.Tell us about life BEFORE the Homesteading became a reality? When did ya'll decide to pursue that? How many places did you look at before you found this gem? I think we would all be interested in that, and it would make a really interesting video (or two)! Again, your garden is lovely!

  10. Wow, how big are your upper and lower gardens? I know you have a large area for your animals, and a lot of acreage for you and the family to take care of! I know it's a labor of love, as well as growing your own GMO-free veggies, meat, and products from your animals. Hard work, but good work.

  11. Deer are terrible were i live in WI too i have found a double layer of fence deer will not jump I don't think they like to jump over two layers of fence

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