September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Grow Super Nutritious Goji Berries At Home

Full grow guide: Goji berries are an under-loved and under-planted fruit, but are exceptionally easy to care for and are hyper-nutritious. You can even eat the leaves (raw or cooked). Chris up in Vancouver, BC shows you exactly how to care for this incredible plant.

00:00 – Intro
01:27 – About Goji
02:06 – Cultivars & Habit
02:47 – Leaves & Flowers
03:20 – Pollination
03:44 – Fruit
05:06 – Growing Conditions
06:23 – Goji Care
07:12 – Fertilization
08:34 – Pruning
09:43 – Propagation Via Cuttings
11:43 – Propagation Via Seeds
12:36 – Propagation Via Layering
13:37 – Outro


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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Grow Super Nutritious Goji Berries At Home

  1. Love this video and have access to cuttings or plants, im in central Illinois and not sure of my zone would this plant survive negative temperatures? Chris showed snow on her plants but want the epic opinion prior to investing

  2. Have a prolific red goji but the last couple of years it's had terrible downy mildew. Gets plenty of sun and not close to other plants, treated organically but waiting to see how well it rebounds next year.

  3. Our goji plant is in a large metal trash can and it just loves it 3 years later! We drilled holes in the bottom and about 2 inches up from the bottom for drainage. It sits in a sunny spot and has a trellis.

  4. WOW! This is an amazing video tutorial on how to grow this super nutritious goji berries.
    You did a fantastic job! Well done and big like for more amazing video.

  5. Yes Chris is an asset to your channel. She is informative, articulate, and has a very easy voice to listen to. In covering a lot of material she never leaves you feeling overwhelmed or exhausted by the pace. A good move adding another arrow to your quiver.

  6. Pond looks awesome in the background, Kev! Also, Chris has been a great addition because I can easily relate to her in a typical US climate (sorry, we don't all live in the US Mediterranean lol) – glad to watch you as a fellow zone 7, Chris!

  7. I have tried growing goji since 2020, i have yet to find perfect soil mix for them. All my seeds sprout but they died from overwatering, may be i should add more sands

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