July 2, 2024

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Service your equipment

  1. First of all I am so pleased that your wife is home and on the road to recovery, It must have been a very stressful time for you all.
    You have some good suggestions in the video which I am going to follow up. I did have smoke coming from my belt as well at one time and like you I think I will order a replacement for the future. In my case it was a build up of wet material behind the grill causing the hammers to clog up. I think now we are both aware of this it's probably something that won't happen in the future. I did find the fuel cap had worked loose the other day and was on the ground, thank goodness for the filter! I think with the amount of vibration that it is inevitable that things will become loose and just a reminder for us all to give regular maintenance a top priority. Overall I am still very pleased with the machine though and will be putting upa video shortly 

  2. any machine that has a bunch of vibration will have stuff loosen up.  Some of those shouldnt have shook completely loose.   I go around and tighten up stuff on my garden tillers before using them for the same reason.   Something else to be aware of.  Machinery with gas engines tend to self destruct due to eating dirt.  check the air filter twice as often as the spec sheet says to.  An engine will force a hole thru a plugged paper element if it cant get air other wise.  Then the motor will have unfiltered dirt straight into the engine. 

  3. I agree with Randy J's comment on equipment. I have a very expensive chipper and the bolts will back out from the vibration. If you drill a hole at the bottom of the discharge cover you can use a bungee cord to hold it in a higher position but not loose the protection of the cover. Things can come out of the discharge with a lot of force. The other option is to move the chipper a lot so the chips can fall out of the discharge opening. They all have a tendency to block the discharge.  Bernard

  4. Now that's a COOL Wood chipper Jay, Paula(gardening with puppies)has an upload where she totally recommends gardening with wood chips, the veggies are just so better developed and great tasting,…ah, glad to hear your Missus is ok my buddy, thumbs up and sending my good wishes for a speedy recovery to her! 

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