September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Moving forward with healing the soil (Thank you) | VLOG


Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order):
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– ButcherBox:
– Growers Solution:

#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Moving forward with healing the soil (Thank you) | VLOG

  1. I think the mushrooms are a good idea. I hadn't even considered that option. You could get some complete mycelium layer cakes about the size of a rug from up underneath some big oaks in the woods. Maybe it would be as simple as laying the mycelium on top of your contaminated soil and let it do the work. Maybe add shade cloth to the greenhouse to mimic the natural canopy. Mushrooms should work, just gotta figure out how to do it

  2. Very interested in your experiment with microremediation. Hope it does well. Corn worked for me and yes, the bean test told me I had been blessed with a successful remediation. The big challenge now is to make enough compost to be independent from bought-in soil amendments. Thanks for your work!

  3. God works in mysterious ways and you have been given this opportunity to help a large group of people in a desperate time. Your passion for soil health and passion for seeking knowledge and educating people are going to be used to better the lives of your audience. You’ve been given a challenge because your someone best situated to help people with what you are going to learn.

  4. Jess I was going to tell you that I have read and heard what charcoal works to help the soil to once it's activated. That compost tea would be a GOOD way to get it activated I'd think.
    I just gotta point something out here because I KNOW where our blessings comes from and I know you do to. 🙂 It SO amazes me HOW God works and I have said this loads of times on my Facebook page. This happened to you and you ALMOST lost all your canning of tomatoes this year, BUT, God gives you all those plants and not only that, at a REALLY good price as well. Makes me want to shout glory halleijah!!!! sp? I just LOVE how He helps His own and blesses them. Just thrills me to the core and THAT'S something I can get excited about!!!!

  5. I'm glad I watched this next video! As I said in the earlier one: mushrooms. Paul Stamets has done remarkable work reclaiming and cleaning up environmental disasters using mushrooms. Fungi are truly amazing.

  6. This is your classroom in action. Garden warriors!! You , Miah and the net work of connections you’ve made in this short amount of time in South C. Has been impressive and to be commended. God bless all of you.

  7. Thanks, Jess. I'd be very interested if you planted, say, that outdoor bed where the beans failed, with sunflowers and/or corn, and only treated it simply, maybe with worm or compost tea, and compare that with how you treat the soil inside the tunnel where you do something more targeted to see if there is a significant difference in results over time. Beans germinated in the soil I bought, and lived but are very stunted. Beans I planted weeks later in another space with different soil are 4 times the size of the stunted beans. That gives me a good clue based on your observations along with my own. I treated the beds with worm tea after I saw your friend giving a demo at the homestead conference on someone's video, and I see an improvement in the tomatoes though they are not thriving as much as I'd hoped. Same thing, tomatoes planted weeks later in containers are much larger than those in the corrupted soil. Not a lesson I wanted to learn in my new raised beds.

  8. Thank you for showing us all a world where we all could live. Hard to dream about without crying when you consider the greed that got us here where profit is more important than your fellow human eating and drink clean water.
    Thank you for sharing please know it is appreciated.

  9. Last year we bought a truck load of garden soil with "boosters", well we had a terrible garden! It had poisonous weeds popping up and the soil seemed to stunt everything. Even zucchini wouldn't grow. We got maybe 3-4 zucchinis the whole season. This year bought bags upon bags of garden soil and potting soil..and some walmart top soil for bottom of big containers and to hill our potatoes. Next year will be buying just compost.

  10. Jess you really are a marvel. Already you just gave people a cheap and fast way to test composts or soils before they use them.
    I wonder.. would it be realistic for a manufacturor to start producing compost teas on a huge scale to sell to agriculture as healthy alternative? That would be so good.

  11. My soil has been contaminated by manure that I purchased. I didn't know this was even a thing. Took awhile to figure it out through research online as I am not an experienced gardener. It was the severe deformity of my pepper plants that first tipped me off that something was wrong. Hope to learn what to do from you guys. Please use it to teach because I don't have the resourses to replace all the soil in my raised beds.

  12. Jess I wasn't going to say much..i only commented an Amen on your rant video.
    I am a Christian I know you are too.
    One thing I trust and look forward too is the healing of our home earth.
    Under Lord And King Jesus' reign this will happen.. .thy Kingdom come earth.
    God knows and will avenge those ruining the earth …and those voices of doubt being silenced….will someday never be heard again.
    This opportunity you have embraced to learn and teach how to heal the earth( even this small drop) is truly a honored blessing not just for you but all of us! You are always blessing us at the end of your videos..but my dear you really have by accepting your part in helping our King Jesus start to heal our planet and therefore all life…i know He is very proud of are very loved and blessed.
    Thank you so very much..He could not have chosen a better family to use in his work. Thank you.
    I bless you.

  13. I am feeling your stress about your contaminated soil issue, I had purchased 33 large bags of KELLOGG'S potting soil last year, to mix in my garden boxes with composted cow manure . I planted all my seeds and nothing grew , It was a real let down , and this year I purchased another brand to use for starting my seedlings and nothing grew again . I don't know what's going on but it is really upsetting ,after all the work you put in it . This year I just adding top soil and cow manure to my boxes and things are growing but very slowly , and my cucumbers and zucchini are not doing good at all , although Florida has been very hot and wet this season so far .

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