March 27, 2025


It’s been over two months since we went up to the plot. It’s time to see how overgrown the beds are and if the pests have caused any damage. Also we make a start on digging the beds and preparing them for the coming season. A tidy plot is so much easier to maintain. If…

VIDEO: The Summer Flower Garden

It’s the middle of summer and the flowers are in full bloom, they really do look impressive. In this video we take a look at the colourful hanging baskets, the beautiful begonias, the stunning dahlias and the highly scented sweet peas to name but a few. There really are lots of different blooms to admire…

VIDEO: Digging the First bed

If there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that I can produce a very average video and this is no exception. There’s a bit about digging, there’s also a late potato reveal and then there’s my very bad haircut to consider. Anyhow, if you’re having trouble sleeping then this is the video for…

VIDEO: AWESOME Greenhouse Tomatoes

Every year I checkout what’s growing on in my dad’s greenhouse. This year he’s got some awesome cucumbers and tomatoes, prize winning specimens. He’s also growing eggplants as they enjoy the warmer conditions under glass. If you’ve enjoyed this video please SUBSCRIBE to the channel as it’s free and it really does help out with…

VIDEO: Growing Mushrooms

In this video we attempt to grow white button mushrooms from a kit. Mushrooms grow quickly compared to most fruits and vegetables, and don’t take up precious space in your garden. Please do me a favour, like. share, comment and SUBSCRIBE xx #growingmushrooms #mushrooms

VIDEO: Beautiful Dahlias – Allotment Grow How

On Allotment Grow How today we pay a visit to the plot to tackle the weeds and clear up the plot. It’s time to harvest some lovely looking carrots and the dahlia flowers are in full bloom and look lovely. #dahliaflowers #weedingtheplot #carrots If you have enjoyed this video then please consider subscribing, it’s absolutely…