March 28, 2025

VIDEO: 마트에서 구입한 파프리카로 화분에 파프리카 키우기ㅣHow to grow paprika from seed

마트에서 파프리카 1개를 사먹고 나온 씨앗을 심어 보았습니다. 136일동안 파프리카 성장과정 영상입니다. 별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요 🙂 This is a video of the paprika growth process for 136 days. Have a nice day everyone. +음악(Youtube free music) English_Country_Garden.mp3 Heavenly.mp3 See You On The Otherside – The 126ers.mp3 No.9_Esther’s Waltz – Esther Abrami.mp3 +카메라(camera) 아이폰6S (iPhone…

VIDEO: 파프리카 사 먹고 공짜로 모종 얻는 방법!ㅣHow to grow paprika from seed

마트에서 파프리카 1개를 사먹고 나온 씨앗을 심어 보았습니다. 30일정도면 이쁘게 모종으로 자란다. I bought 1 paprika at the mart and planted seeds. It grows into pretty seedlings in 30 days. Have a nice day everyone. +음악(Youtube free music) Slow Times Over Here.mp3 English_Country_Garden.mp3 +카메라(camera) 아이폰6S (iPhone 6s) 갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어…

VIDEO: Complete Comprehensive Guide to Growing Tomatoes – Care, fertilizing, staking, pruning, and MORE!

In this episode we are going through a complete comprehensive guide to growing tomatoes. From selection of the right plants, to fertilizing, pruning, staking, disease, spacing, and care. Elastic band by the spool: We do more than, JUST, YouTube! Check more MIgardener below: Start growing! Visit our online store for .99 cent heirloom seeds,…

VIDEO: Planting Fall Garlic From Start to Finish

We are planting garlic in our fall garden. This guide will help you from start to finish and help to answer any questions you may have about getting your garden in the ground. Check out to shop for seed garlic for your fall garden! Check out our new clothing line!

VIDEO: Complete July Garden Tour

So much has been growing in the garden and we wanted to bring you along for it all. So in this video we will have a complete garden tour for the month of July, and hopefully it will give you just a glimpse of how stunning the garden really is. Instagram: facebook: Music…

VIDEO: Complete June Garden Tour!

It is early June and the garden is growing fast and producing tons. We will be starting our Giant Crimson tomatoes in the next couple days. Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds .99/pack, fertilizer, garden tools, blog & More: Facebook: Instagram:…

VIDEO: How to Grow Corn – Complete Growing Guide

Want to grow amazing corn at home and have it be 100% organic? Then this episode will help with that! Corn is our favorite summer vegetable and one that is so easy to grow! Corn harvesting video: Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds…

VIDEO: How to Grow Beets – Complete Growing Guide

In this episode we are going to be talking about how to grow beets from start to finish. Everything you need to know about how to grow beets including soil type, sunlight, watering, pH, fertilizing, spacing, seed starting, and when to plant beets. Enjoy! Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties…

VIDEO: How to Grow Raspberries – Complete Growing Guide

In this episode we will discuss how to grow raspberries. We will talk about fertilizing, sunlight, soil type, soil pH, watering, and other care tips to get you growing raspberries like a pro! Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds .99/pack, fertilizer, garden tools, blog…