March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Lettuce, From Seed to Harvest 🌱

Lettuce is THE easiest green to grow, there are seemingly infinite varieties, and it’s also one of the priciest to buy fresh at a market, making it the perfect starter crop to grow at home. Join us in this full seed to harvest grow guide. IN THIS VIDEO → Birdies Raised Beds: → Seed…

VIDEO: Fall Gardening – Why

Why Should We Bother To Fall Garden? With the summer shutting down, isn’t it better to let our gardens go dormant and give our soils a much-needed rest? No no no no no no my friends. Planting and maintaining a fall garden is one of the best things you can do! Let me show you…

VIDEO: How To Regrow Lettuce From Itself

Grow Lettuce….From Lettuce! You can regrow Lettuce from store bought heads! Simple, easy, and fun! The cut Lettuce regrows in just water and you can see it grow almost daily. In this video I’ll show you how to regrow a head of Romaine (or any Lettuce really) by placing the cut stump in water, in…

VIDEO: Thieves, Weeds and Lettuce

We visit the plot to see if thieves have broken into the shed, the recent rains have encouraged the weeds to grow so the beds need weeding, and I need to plant out the lettuce. Some people like weeding, I find it a chore but the beds do look a lot better for it. I…

VIDEO: Growing Lettuce Seeds and harvesting

Gardening for beginners complete guide in Growing Lettuce seeds and harvesting, lovely greens, step by step on how to grow successfully two types of Lettuce from Seed. The video includes when and how to transplant. How to plant lettuce and how to resolve common problems when they occur. Watch the full video to see every…

VIDEO: Grow Your Best Lettuce EVER!

You can win friends with salad, if you follow our guidance. These 4 easy steps will turn your bitter lettuce into sweet deliciousness, people will start accepting your dinner invitations, you will climb the social ladder reaching success you never thought possible, all because you listened to our lettuce advice. Learn how to grow lettuce…

VIDEO: HOW to Grow Leaf Lettuce (It's Simple)

HOW to Grow Leaf Lettuce (It’s Simple) Growing leaf lettuce is simple and easy. You need 3 things. 1. Lettuce seeds. Most seed companies offer loose-leaf lettuce seeds. I recommend 2. Fertilizer. I plead that you avoid chemical fertilizers and go with rotted manure or compost. 3. Soil. The ideal soil would have lots…

VIDEO: Growing Lettuce from Sowing to Harvest

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Lettuce is quick-growing, fuss-free and can be grown just about anywhere. Whether you’re growing it for sweet, firm hearts or to create a pick-and-mix of leaves, you won’t want to run short of this dependable salad. Grown for its luscious leaves, there’s a cornucopia of both hearting…

VIDEO: We are Growing! Planting Up The Indoor Hydroponic Garden

The lettuce is growing fast and needs a home in the hydroponic bins. Lets get them in and growing! This year’s hydroponic garden is going to be amazing. .99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds: ——————————————————————————————- MIgardener Website Join the fun on facebook @ +1 me on Google+ @ Pin us on Pinterest @…

VIDEO: Succession Planting Tips For Guaranteed Success Every Time!

Succession planting can seem daunting and overwhelming, but in this guide we will break down the basics of succession planting to offer you the best chance at success in the garden. Curtis Stone’s channel: Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds .99/pack, fertilizer, garden…