March 18, 2025

VIDEO: OneYardRevolution an Interview by HuwsNursery

Welcome to an exciting interview with Patrick Dolan from the channel OneYardRevolution. One Yard Revolution is all about growing a lot of food on a little land using sustainable organic methods, while keeping costs and labor at a minimum. Emphasis is placed on improving soil quality with compost, mulch, and compost tea. I asked him…

VIDEO: Planting out the Rain Gutter grown Peas

It is time to plant out the young pea shoots that I grew in an earlier video. Watch how simple it is to plant them out using this method. Don’t forget to check out Vegitate: Thanks for watching and please subscribe so you can stay up to date with what to do in the garden,…

VIDEO: How to Grow Nasturtuims From Seed

Nasturtiums are one of the most useful, edible flowers you can grow. They are a great companion plant as they attract beneficial insects and also it’s leaves and flowers can be eaten with a slightly hot yet sweet taste. Today I’m going to show you how easy it is to grow them. Thumbnail: Thanks…

VIDEO: Companion planting – Definition and Benefits

Today is a quick video about companion planting and why you should use it. I include some examples and 4 reasons why you have to give it a go! Here is a link to a companion planting chart: And one from Mother Earth News: Thanks for watching and please subscribe so you can stay…

VIDEO: Alberta Urban Garden an Interview by HuwsNursery – Gardening in Canada

Today I have a very special video. We have a great guest all the way from Alberta in Canada. I highly recommend you subscribe to him: Please watch to learn about the challenges through growing in an extremely cold climate. Don’t forget to like his Facebook Page too! Thanks for watching and please…

VIDEO: How to Successfully Grow Potatoes – Organic Vegetable Gardening

Watch this video to learn a simple method to grow potatoes followed by 5 cool facts! Thanks for watching and please subscribe so you can stay up to date with what to do in the garden, tips, advice and how to’s including delicious recipes. You can subscribe here: Also find us on Facebook:…

VIDEO: How to Prune Established Apple Trees

Happy new year to everyone! What has your highlight in the garden been so far? Mine was probably harvesting the pounds upon pounds of beans, it was a great year! So today you are going to learn just the simple basics and simple steps to take to prune apple trees presented by a special guest.…

VIDEO: Creamy Leek and Potato Soup – 013

Welcome to a lovely heart-warming recipe to make in the cold weather. Very simple to do and is full of flavor. This recipe serves 4 hungry mouths. New gardening video will be up either tomorrow or Wednesday and if you haven’t subscribed already please do as you will help save a Koala. More information further…

VIDEO: Tomatoes Ripening in 1 Minute – Time Lapse Today is another time for a time lapse with tomatoes ripening really quickly in under 1 minute. This was set at 10 minute intervals and around 500 pictures. Please like for more time lapse videos and stay tuned for next sunday, or maybe a video in between! Subscribe to my Newsletter here:

VIDEO: 7 Smart Ways to Maximize your Garden Harvest Welcome back to the first gardening video, the final cooking video will be up later today. In this video I will be sharing 7 great tips to get the most out of your harvest and I have also chucked in a bonus tip at the end. Get the square foot gardening book here:…