January 9, 2025

VIDEO: Savvy Tillage with Jeff Poppen Part 5

Jeff Poppen, the Barefoot Farmer, is back at Living Web Farms for a workshop highlighting his smart and resourceful minimal tillage program. Learn to use tillage the right way, to help you manage efficiently without killing the soil, and how to do it without fancy and overly-expensive equipment. Learn about the foundations of his farming…

VIDEO: Nuts As Staple Foods with Osker Brown

Nut based agroforestry offers a huge potential to increase the ecosystem functions of human habitats. Osker Brown, of Glorious Forest Farm, will discuss all aspects of nutrition, harvest, storage, processing, and culinary use of acorns, hazelnuts, chestnuts, hickories, and black walnuts. We will show and tell tools and methods for processing, and sample some treats.…

VIDEO: Hugh Lovel Consultation Part 1

Take a walk with biodynamic pioneer and farm consultant Hugh Lovel and John Henry Nelson around our three Living Web Farms in Mills River, NC. Hugh Lovel is the author of “A Biodynamic Farm for Growing Wholesome Food” and “Quantum Agriculture: Biodynamics and Beyond”. His articles appear in Acres USA and related organic farming periodicals…

VIDEO: Savvy Tillage with Jeff Poppen Part 4

Jeff Poppen, the Barefoot Farmer, is back at Living Web Farms for a workshop highlighting his smart and resourceful minimal tillage program. Learn to use tillage the right way, to help you manage efficiently without killing the soil, and how to do it without fancy and over-expensive equipment. Learn about the foundations of his farming…

VIDEO: Savvy Tillage with Jeff Poppen Part 3

Jeff Poppen, the Barefoot Farmer, is back at Living Web Farms for a workshop highlighting his smart and resourceful minimal tillage program. Learn to use tillage the right way, to help you manage efficiently without killing the soil, and how to do it without fancy and over-expensive equipment. Learn about the foundations of his farming…

VIDEO: Savvy Tillage with Jeff Poppen Part 2

Jeff Poppen, the Barefoot Farmer, is back at Living Web Farms for a workshop highlighting his smart and resourceful minimal tillage program. Learn to use tillage the right way, to help you manage efficiently without killing the soil, and how to do it without fancy and over-expensive equipment. Learn about the foundations of his farming…

VIDEO: Cooperative Economic Models For Our Region Part 10

There’s a deep multi-cultural history of integrating social and economic co-operation with agricultural systems via a pattern widely referred to as “mutual aid”. Some examples of historical mutual aid societies that explicitly help farmers include The Grange, Via Campesina, Italian farming co-ops, and Cherokee Gadugi. Since land is the basis of all survival and of…

VIDEO: Cooperative Economic Models for Our Region Part 9

There’s a deep multi-cultural history of integrating social and economic co-operation with agricultural systems via a pattern widely referred to as “mutual aid”. Some examples of historical mutual aid societies that explicitly help farmers include The Grange, Via Campesina, Italian farming co-ops, and Cherokee Gadugi. Since land is the basis of all survival and of…

VIDEO: Permaculture Earthworks and Wetland Ecosystems Part 8

Permaculturist John Nelson leads this workshop focusing on the importance of harvesting water for the use of irrigation, erosion control, diversion, and storage on the farm and homestead. We will explore the concepts behind earthworks and permaculture as a land harmonizing method that utilizes earth forms such as swales, berms, terraces, ponds and pumping systems.…

VIDEO: Reducing Environmental Toxins with Dr. Devra Davis

Dr. Devra Davis is a respected leader in environmental toxicology heading the Environmental Health Trust, a non-profit organization raising awareness about human-made health threats. Dr. Davis will share the latest in policy and research concerning environmental hazards, as well as how to reduce exposure at the individual and community levels. Dr. Davis has authored over…

VIDEO: Cooperative Economic Models For Our Region Part 8

There’s a deep multi-cultural history of integrating social and economic co-operation with agricultural systems via a pattern widely referred to as “mutual aid”. Some examples of historical mutual aid societies which explicitly help farmers include The Grange, Via Campesina, Italian farming co-ops, and Cherokee Gadugi. Since land is the basis of all survival and of…

VIDEO: Cooperative Economic Models For Our Region Part 7

There’s a deep multi-cultural history of integrating social and economic co-operation with agricultural systems via a pattern widely referred to as “mutual aid”. Some examples of historical mutual aid societies which explicitly help farmers include The Grange, Via Campesina, Italian farming co-ops, and Cherokee Gadugi. Zev Friedman will share about his co-operative experience living at…

VIDEO: Savvy Tillage with Jeff Poppen

Jeff Poppen, the Barefoot Farmer, is back at Living Web Farms for a workshop highlighting his smart and resourceful minimal tillage program. Learn to use tillage the right way, to help you manage efficiently without killing the soil, and how to do it without fancy and over-expensive equipment. Learn about the foundations of his farming…

VIDEO: Permaculture Earthworks and Wetland Ecosystems Part 6

Permaculturist John Nelson leads this workshop focusing on the importance of harvesting water for the use of irrigation, erosion control, diversion, and storage on the farm and homestead. We will explore the concepts behind earthworks and permaculture as a land harmonizing method that utilizes earth forms such as swales, berms, terraces, ponds and pumping systems.…