VIDEO: home garden walk through
Walk through at the garden at the house. Yacon update and a little lesson learned about my peas.
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Walk through at the garden at the house. Yacon update and a little lesson learned about my peas.
Testing the Vaccucork. Gotta say thanks to Dirtpatchheaven. I’ve been seeing these for a couple of years in the store and wondered what they were for. I probably never would have known If I had not seen her video.
Comparing two types of steam juicers and giving my opinion as what I consider advantages and disadvantages of each.
Trellis is installed and a quick look around. Talking a bit about my priority of work this summer and fall. 1. Get existing beds planted and improved to a point that is satisfactory for the next two years. 2. Divide the property into sections, determine what improvements or builds will be done and do them.…
Ever feel like your beating your head against the wall…. or window? Well, stop it!
I consider taking care of equipment to be a huge part of self sufficiency. Rolling up cords haphazardly can greatly reduce the life and efficiency. Here is how I roll them. There is just a little “twist” to the method. There is a very easy way to verify everything I claim in this video about…
Website I found a few years ago. Feel it’s worth sharing.
When hardening off the yacon I managed to sun scald it badly. When I set it out permanently I placed each in a different location that received direct sun exposure at different times of the day. Each has recovered. You be the judge.
Zion Acre is running a contest. The subject is Why do you feel homesteading is important. Zion Acre has a some good information and my gut feeling tells me she has much more to share. Please go and encourage her to share more.
I need a strong, stable trellis that looks at least halfway decent to train the wild rose onto. I thought of buying one to save some time but the cost was completely unacceptable. So, I’m building one. If you want to see the finished product but don’t want to sit through the build just skip…
An item that is fairly standard for homes where I live. Well worth looking into if you own your own home. These are not high impact resistant but high impact can be found and are approved by some insurance companies for homeowner insurance premium reduction
A few things from the home garden.
Look what showed up! I’ve tried rooting cuttings to get them but it never took. They showed up exactly where I wanted to put them as well. How fortunate could I get?
Making elderberry syrup for use in mixing as a drink. We mix in primarily in water. Purported to have medicinal uses. I use metric measurements as that is what is available to me. Not sure how to transfer them but there are many, and varied, recipes. Look around. You may find one that suits you…
We’ve gotten some of our seedlings out and waiting on the others to grow large enough to survive. NOW, we start on property cleanup and, following that, improvements that will assist in the efficiency of next year. Part of that means chipping and shredding all the cuttings for compost and mulch which will be allowed…
Finally getting work done on the property. Trellises built seedlings out. Little on the soil, wood chip mulch. fertilizer and slug control.
Did some more shredding today for my mother in law. A few points I wanted to share. I definitely feel one of these is very beneficial if one has a lot of cuttings or can gain acces to them. Talk to the neighbors and get theirs. Stop and ask when you see people cutting. Don’t…
Short addendum to my earlier video on seed saving. This time reasons for saving seed. I did not address political and corporate reasons but I have addressed those many times in the past and probably will again in the future.
Whats in my garden that came from saved seeds. What I plan to save this year. Coordinate with others to lighten the individual load for seed saving. Stay tuned…. more to come!
Progress is slow due to certain “challenges”. Showing a little progress and some things I am trying this year.
A look at what little I have managed to get done during all the turmoil we’ve had the last few months and a description of how I plan to set out some of the seedlings I have started.
Quick look at how I decided to build a short wall for a terraced bed and a look around at the springtime property for those who have been asking about it. The Wall is not yet complete as I made some last minute changes in the design I wanted and ran out of materials. There…
So this problem has been identified as sun scald. I rather thought it was but as I had never seen a case this bad and the plant still living I wanted corroboration. I am leaving the video up for others who may be searching for this. The plants will survive. New growth is now coming…
Getting a messed up start this year due to “life”. Forgot to show what I still have inside. Lot of changes coming in our family, our work and the channel.
Nothing on this video that I haven’t had on other videos. This is to consolidate a few things for my nephew and his wife who are now interested in starting a balcony garden. I hope all will watch and comment with their own suggestions that can help those who are beginning.
Had a few problems with the chipper and brought home to service.
Planted the first seedlings today. may be last video for a while. Explained at end of video. Wife has had severe complications and went back in hospital. As I am uploading this video I got word they are moving her into intensive care. Having a very hard time caring anything about gardening right now. Thank…
Results from older seeds germination have been surprisingly good. Work direction and channel direction will be changing. A big thank you to all who have sent messages and have expressed concern for us in the last few weeks. I don’t usually go into details of problems on my videos but am explaining my surgery for…
A better demo of the wood chipper and testing seed viability and a bit more.