March 24, 2025

VIDEO: Nana's Banana Pudding~Wood Stove Style!

This recipe is straight from my Nana and she makes the best, homemade banana pudding there is! After making the delicious pudding, feel free to add vanilla wafers or moon pies to really set it off! Enjoy! Thanks for watching!~ Like, Subscribe and Share! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Check…

VIDEO: Planting Asparagus Crowns In a NEW Raised Bed

In this episode I plant some asparagus crowns I purchased, and I will be planting them in a beautiful new raised bed! The cottage garden is really shaping up nicely and should be in full swing soon! How to grow asparagus: .99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds: ——————————————————————————————- MIgardener Website Join the fun on…

VIDEO: Best Herbs for Growing Indoors

After a bit of research I’ve come up with a list of great herbs that you can easily grow on a window sill and I have added interesting facts with some herbs and also best place to put them and looking after them. It would be amazing if you could like and add this to…

VIDEO: Exciting New Channel Announcements

In this video I will be announcing new features that will be coming soon to HuwsNursery, upload Schedule, Foody Friday, Garden Series, Channels and more. Please watch to understand what will be happening and thankyou for half a million views! A timetable has been done below to part of the videos and what they are…

VIDEO: Growing Lemongrass – Week 1

So been ages since I did my last video, and I brought a couple of sprigs of lemongrass and now sharing with you how to grow it, start off in water then after a couple of weeks transplant it, stay tuned for week 2 and more videos are on the way. Thanks and please check…

VIDEO: New MIgardener Intro

hope everyone enjoys this one! its here to stay for a while! lol. give me a star rateing with the asterix such as (5 stars *****) thanks! Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds .99/pack, fertilizer, garden tools, blog & More: Facebook: Instagram:…

VIDEO: Welcome to HuwsNursery

Thank you very much to everyone who has watched, rated or commented on any of my videos, please watch this short video if you are new to me and why my videos are worth your time and subscription.