VIDEO: How To Plant Garlic Using No-Till Farming and Lasagna Gardening
In this video, I show you how I take an end-of-summer garden bed and prep it using the Lasagna Gardening Method, to plant your fall garlic, all using no-till farming!
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In this video, I show you how I take an end-of-summer garden bed and prep it using the Lasagna Gardening Method, to plant your fall garlic, all using no-till farming!
In this video, I describe my personal 3 criteria for how I determine what size I am going to build my raised garden bed.
We visited Dundurn Castle, where they have a garden based on what it would have looked like during the 1850s, using the technology and plants available for the time period. This is without a doubt, the best vegetable garden ever, and we are excited to have an acre to replicate it on our soon to…
Gardening is more fun when you work less, weed less and water less.
Different ways to garden food with little work or skill. Caveman gardening.
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Living SOIL, See How these perennial roots are building & growing Organic soil in Back to Eden Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips. Using a Deep Mulch No till method for Organic Gardening for beginners .
The topic of till versus no till gardening has always been a widely discussed topic and one that is often heated. I tend to take the approach that there is not a one size fits all solution to gardening and so in this episode I will lay down the pros and cons to each and…
Help support our channel: The results (and lessons learned) from our first attempt at companion planting carrots, radishes, and onions using a first-year Ruth Stout Garden. The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture Companion Planting Carrots, Radishes and Onions in a Ruth Stout (HAY-ONLY) Garden Garden Update: Companion Planting Carrots, Radishes and Onions…
Last spring, we planted seed potatoes using the Ruth Stout Method. Here are our results (from planting to harvesting) without any digging, fertilizing, watering, or weeding! The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture Planting Potatoes in a Ruth Stout Permaculture Garden (QUICK and EASY) Did You Know That Potato Plants Have Fruit?!
See the GrowVeg book here: You dig, you toil, you reap the rewards. But just how necessary is digging? Mother Nature doesn’t use a spade, and she does pretty well! So why not follow her example – ditch the spade and save valuable time and effort in the garden. In this short…
After 11 months of no feeds or fertilisers, see the fine growth of Homeacres vegetables, many planted in summer after clearing first harvests, and no compost or other food added. In undisturbed and mulched soil, organisms manage resources better plus plants root more easily, as you see here. Discover more at and in my…
The back to Eden food forest is still producing high quality beyond organic produce. I say beyond organic because this style of gardening produces food that uses no sprays of any kind, this is as close to natural as you can get. I would call this high production natural farming. I am gardening and farming…
Follow our garlic plants all the way from planting using the Ruth Stout method (hay mulch, no diging or tilling), to harvesting, and drying.
So how did I create a large no till garden space once we moved up to our mountain top farmstead? Easy. I tell you how and you can do it, too! Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo Like, Subscribe, Comment & Share! Aqua Cones from Gardener’s Supply Here: ~Ladies & Gentlemens Luncheon Tickets HERE:…
We built a couple of Ruth Stout gardens in the fall by simply laying some old spoiled hay over the grass. Today we peeled back some of the hay to find healthy worms and a layer of top soil – the perfect conditions for planting POTATOES!
In part 2 of this presentation, we hear from Russell Hedrick of JRH Grain Farms in Catawba county, NC. Russell has gone from being a beginning farmer just 5 years ago, to rapidly expanding his grain production operations. He is an advocate of soil health, no till methods and utilizes a diversity of cover crops…
This video will self destruct after a few days. Not the type of video I want to leave up long.
Conservation Agronomist, Ray Archuleta with the National Resources Conservation Service joins David Brandt of Walnut Creek Seeds for a workshop on soil and the use of diverse cover crops to build life and fertility in the soil. Produce abundant yields while implementing the best organic and sustainable methods of establishing and maintaining maximum biology. Build…
Hairy Vetch as a cover crop for permaculture herb garden
The Urban Farmer is a channel dedicated to sharing the experiences and learnings from Curtis Stone and his urban farm Green City Acres in downtown Kelowna, BC, Canada. Last year Green City Acres grew over 50,000 lbs of food on less than an acre of land, using 100% natural, organic methods and only 80 litres…
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Watch us on Instagram: @greencityacres Buy my book here: Use this discount code for $15 off: newsub Subscribe: Watch more from Curtis Stone: UPCOMING ON-FARM WORKSHOPS: June 18-22, 2018 – Hemmingford, QC: July 14, 2018 -…
Many challenges over the past year. Still working to reorganize. Gardening is one that will absolutely not be dropped. Trying a bit of early seed stating to see if it will overcome one of the problems I’ve had in past years.
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Follow me on Twitter: @FarmerCStone
Watch us on Instagram: @greencityacres Buy my book here: Use this discount code for $15 off: newsub Subscribe: Watch more from Curtis Stone: UPCOMING ON-FARM WORKSHOPS: June 18-22, 2018 – Hemmingford, QC: July 14, 2018 -…
In Part 5, David Brandt of Walnut Creek Seeds talks about implementation of diverse cover crops to build life and fertility in the soil. David describes how he has produced abundant yields over the long term while implementing sustainable methods of establishing and maintaining maximum biology.
Conservation Agronomist, Ray Archuleta with the National Resources Conservation Service presents this workshop on the use of diverse cover crops to build life and fertility in the soil. Produce abundant yields while implementing the best organic and sustainable methods of establishing and maintaining maximum biology. Build aggregates and grow your best crops year after year…
One of my favorite videos I have ever made. A harvest video from the garden and what one of Masanobu Fukuokas mot popular quote means to me at this stage of my life. Shalom
Make a lasagna bed with Pat and build new gardens while maintaining the mycorrhizal fungi and biology in the soil. Expert tips on making an effective lasagna bed will help you grow abundantly with this no till method.
Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at Living Web Farms is honored to present Professor Emeritus, Dr. Ron Morse teaching about his many years developing cover crop innovations that maximize biology and profitability with minimum-till organically based fertility systems. He has developed specialized small farm equipment to…