March 26, 2025

VIDEO: 2018 Garden Roundup Challenge

We have been tagged by Butterfliez Home & Garden for the 2018 Garden Roundup Challenge! Questions: 1. What was your best crop of 2018? 2. What was your worst crop of 2018? 3. What was your biggest challenge of 2018? 4. What things will you do differently in 2019? 5. What are your plans…

VIDEO: Garlic Harvest 2018

It’s time to harvest garlic! I think this is the best garlic harvest we have ever had. Most of the heads were big and pretty. Last year we waited a little too long and a lot of the cloves had sprouted. I think we caught it at about the right time this year.

VIDEO: April Garden Update 2018

This is an update about what we have growing in our garden in mid-April. We are working to transition our garden from spring veggies to summer crops. We have limited space so it is a juggling act when shifting from one season’s crops to another. I said “Hitton Chinese Cabbage” several times. I should have…