VIDEO: HUGE Mid Summer Harvest Tour!
Come along for a massive mid July garden tour and harvest. Its such a wild and crazy year but we still have so much growing and producing.
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Come along for a massive mid July garden tour and harvest. Its such a wild and crazy year but we still have so much growing and producing.
Finally! The time has come to pulling our garlic for the year. Last year we planted around 100 cloves of garlic to harvest, and today we will be pulling roughly 90 heads which is a great survival rate! It should be exciting to see what we get.
It’s the start of summer and what a time it is to be outside. Nature is thriving and the plot is flourishing. Please like, share, comment and SUBSCRIBE xx
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My video for the weekend, I will demonstrate the easy method of propagating Grape vines from semi-ripe cuttings, In the Summertime. They will start fruiting in about 3-4 years if pruned properly. You may want to use rooting hormone or honey to help rooting. Detailed information: Update: