June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Planting out the beds

Planted the first seedlings today. may be last video for a while. Explained at end of video. Wife has had severe complications and went back in hospital. As I am uploading this video I got word they are moving her into intensive care. Having a very hard time caring anything about gardening right now. Thank…

VIDEO: More on Yacon

A little more I found on Yacon and the second harvest. http://greenharvest.com.au/Plants/Information/Yacon.html http://www.ehow.com/way_5906976_yacon-planting-directions.html A link discussing renal toxicity related to eating Yacon leaves. I haven’t fully researched it but it states the onset was after prolonged exposure. (eating) May still be edible but check out the article and be careful. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20951787

VIDEO: Starting my next project

Building a simple concrete form and explaining a few techniques and math usage. Taking the opportunity to teach my daughter practical math applications in the hopes that she will take studying a bit more seriously. I’ve been out of carpentry for several years now and out of practice and made a few minor mistakes that…

VIDEO: A True Sustainable Solution

This is, in my opinion, an excellent example of a true sustainable solution. I am well aware that some of my talking points leave questions. The next videos will address those that I see after reviewing further and consider comments made. These are my views and opinions. They have been developed by a lifetime of…

VIDEO: How To Properly Start Flat Bodied Seeds Like Pumpkin

There are many flat bodied seeds. Some of these are: Pumpkin, squash, zucchini, cantalope, cucumber, watermelon, marrow, gourds, and so many more! This tip will get your seeds sprouting better, and giving you better success when planting a fewer amount of seeds. MIgardener Website http://www.MIgardener.com Join the fun on facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/MIgardener +1 me on…

VIDEO: Preparing biochar for the trials

Preparing bio char for the trials being conducted by OneYardRevolution. If you’re interested in following along or participating check out his channel. OneYardRevolution channel http://www.youtube.com/user/OneYardRevolution Home garden field trials https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108753252436907951136/communities/112003872175936735513