Tag: worms
VIDEO: Slow starting 2016 season
Work has prevented me from getting very far along this year. Gotta get that corrected.
VIDEO: harvesting overwintered yacon
Finally harvested another of my yacon.
VIDEO: A little harvest seed saving and changes
Thinned my beets and collect seeds from the peas. A little on the carrots for seed saving and other things. Lots of major changes about to take place here.
VIDEO: Trellis installed a look around and priorities
Trellis is installed and a quick look around. Talking a bit about my priority of work this summer and fall. 1. Get existing beds planted and improved to a point that is satisfactory for the next two years. 2. Divide the property into sections, determine what improvements or builds will be done and do them.…
VIDEO: Extension cord maintenance rolling them up
I consider taking care of equipment to be a huge part of self sufficiency. Rolling up cords haphazardly can greatly reduce the life and efficiency. Here is how I roll them. There is just a little “twist” to the method. There is a very easy way to verify everything I claim in this video about…
VIDEO: Root knot Nematodes, Why your Veggies are NOT Growing!

Why your plants/vegetables are not growing? Find out Now!. A small video showing how to reduce nematodes in soil that has been contaminated with a method called Soil solarization. Don’t plant in contaminated Soil. Soil solarization is an environmentally friendly method of using the sun’s power to control pests such as bacteria, insects, and weeds…
VIDEO: Dog Rose Surprise
Look what showed up! I’ve tried rooting cuttings to get them but it never took. They showed up exactly where I wanted to put them as well. How fortunate could I get?
VIDEO: Elderberry syrup – Holunderbluten
Making elderberry syrup for use in mixing as a drink. We mix in primarily in water. Purported to have medicinal uses. I use metric measurements as that is what is available to me. Not sure how to transfer them but there are many, and varied, recipes. Look around. You may find one that suits you…
VIDEO: Finally seedlings on our separated property
Finally getting work done on the property. Trellises built seedlings out. Little on the soil, wood chip mulch. fertilizer and slug control.
VIDEO: More on my chipper shredder Häcksler
Did some more shredding today for my mother in law. A few points I wanted to share. I definitely feel one of these is very beneficial if one has a lot of cuttings or can gain acces to them. Talk to the neighbors and get theirs. Stop and ask when you see people cutting. Don’t…
VIDEO: Reasons for saving seed
Short addendum to my earlier video on seed saving. This time reasons for saving seed. I did not address political and corporate reasons but I have addressed those many times in the past and probably will again in the future.
VIDEO: A little progress and strange things are afoot at the Circle K
Progress is slow due to certain “challenges”. Showing a little progress and some things I am trying this year.
VIDEO: Home garden at this time
A look at what little I have managed to get done during all the turmoil we’ve had the last few months and a description of how I plan to set out some of the seedlings I have started.
VIDEO: The beginning 2015 garden
Getting a messed up start this year due to “life”. Forgot to show what I still have inside. Lot of changes coming in our family, our work and the channel.
VIDEO: A few balcony gardening tips
Nothing on this video that I haven’t had on other videos. This is to consolidate a few things for my nephew and his wife who are now interested in starting a balcony garden. I hope all will watch and comment with their own suggestions that can help those who are beginning.
VIDEO: Planting out the beds
Planted the first seedlings today. may be last video for a while. Explained at end of video. Wife has had severe complications and went back in hospital. As I am uploading this video I got word they are moving her into intensive care. Having a very hard time caring anything about gardening right now. Thank…
VIDEO: How to Create an Abundance of Earthworms in Your Garden
Earthworms are the workers of the soil and are sometimes called nature’s plow. Their job is very important for the quality of soil and also decomposition. Many of you will think the more earthworms there are the healthier the soil however this isn’t always the case. But as organic vegetable gardeners we encourage an abundance…
VIDEO: Dividing a yacon crown into individual rhizomes
Dividing one of the yacon crowns into individual rhizomes. Made a bit difficult because I waited longer than I should have to harvest. Also speak of how well the yacon tubers has stored in the cellar over the last 3 months.
VIDEO: Book Review Sepp Holzers Permaculture
Type in Sepp Holzer and krameterhof in search box and you will find many links.
VIDEO: Fire kit making my daughters Christmas present
Putting together a fire kit for my daughter. She has been interested in bushcraft/campcraft for a while. Getting ready to embark on this adventure. It’s possible we may start a new channel showing her progression.
VIDEO: Clearing out and opinions wanted
Plans for today got shifted to tomorrow. Taking some time to clear and organize. A few items I could use advice and opinions.
VIDEO: Wood chipper shredder demo
Demonstration of my Hecht 6420 wood chipper/shredder.
VIDEO: Evening chat: Gratitude and thankfullness
Thoughts on thankfulness and gratitude. In a nutshell, if people do not return to a life of thankfulness and gratitude then even if all of the perceived problem makers were to be removed then absolutely NOTHING will change.
VIDEO: Why no gardening videos lately
I haven’t been doing much on gardening lately but it isn’t for lack of gardening stuff to do. Needed to get the home in order, Little maintenance and moving around. Cluttered home, cluttered mind. I can’t work in an unorganized area..
VIDEO: More on Yacon
A little more I found on Yacon and the second harvest. http://greenharvest.com.au/Plants/Information/Yacon.html http://www.ehow.com/way_5906976_yacon-planting-directions.html A link discussing renal toxicity related to eating Yacon leaves. I haven’t fully researched it but it states the onset was after prolonged exposure. (eating) May still be edible but check out the article and be careful. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20951787
VIDEO: Package from The Productive Garden
Received a package today from: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheProductiveGarden
VIDEO: My Mistake Revealed
Revealing the mistake I made in my last video. As I explain, I had anticipated the possibility of making the mistake and made allowances while designing and laying out so it isn’t so bad on this project.
VIDEO: Update and destruction
Been catching up on work that has been delayed by endless rain.
VIDEO: 3rd garden area update
Little bit on the 3rd garden area. We’ve had to pull back on working on it for many reasons this summer and it is not as far along as I had hoped.