VIDEO: WHAT a YEAR (in review) And Looking Ahead to Next Year!
Some of the highlights from the past year, and what I am looking forward to in 2022. I hope you all are safe, healthy, and have a prosperous new year.
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
Some of the highlights from the past year, and what I am looking forward to in 2022. I hope you all are safe, healthy, and have a prosperous new year. Need a quick side dish idea? This is really nice to be that dish, bit of crunch and plenty of flavour and super easy to make! What’s more it’s vegan! Subscribe to my Newsletter here: Nothing could be easier than saving your own parsnip seeds. This is a simple step that you can do to get plenty of seeds for the next growing season and share them with your friends. Please like and comment! Subscribe to my Newsletter here: July 26th 2011 was the first day I started my channel, now two years on I have passed well over half a million views and 3,000 subscribers. Thank you so much! I have put together this update of what’s growing and also some announcements inbetween and at the end. Please give this video a…
Thank you so much for over 1,000 subscribers! It’s amazing and I’m so pleased and here’s a thank you, anyone can enter and there will be prizes for the winner and the best of luck! Read below and don’t forget to share and like and subscribe Thanks again Rules: 1) Comment your 100% original…
Thank you to every single one of you who have supported me, watched my videos, liked them and subscribed! This has been an amazing year and I hope that I’ve been teaching so many of you guys and galls, I have had so much fun learning from other channels and I never want to quit.…
A easy way to prune one of your roses grown from a cutting. The material you take can then be turned into cuttings themselves!
The last update of this year including my rose and apple seedlings e-mail me at for a monthly newsletter