June 11, 2024

VIDEO: Propagating Soapwort from cuttings




This YouTube video shows how to propagate soapwort from cuttings to make a natural shampoo. The process involves taking cuttings just below the first set of leaves, removing the bottom leaves, dipping them in hormone powder, and planting them in compost. The cuttings should be kept moist in a polytunnel or greenhouse until they root, which takes about two weeks.


  • This video demonstrates how to propagate soapwort from cuttings to make natural shampoo. 🌱💆‍♀️
  • Cut just below the first set of leaves, remove the bottom leaves, and dip in hormone powder. 🌿✂️💊
  • Plant the cuttings in compost and keep them moist in a polytunnel or greenhouse until they root. 🌧️🏠🌡️
  • It takes about two weeks for the cuttings to root. 🕰️⏳
  • The process can also be used for other plants, such as hops and mint. 🌿🌱🍺🍃
  • The video creator plans to share a recipe for super shampoo and herbal tea in future videos. 📝👨‍🍳🎥
  • The previous batch of soapwort plants sold out quickly, indicating high demand. 💰📈

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Propagating Soapwort from cuttings

  1. Don't make tea with soapwort it makes you sick. You only make a tea with it if you have to empty the stomach incase of ingesting something you need to get out quickly.

  2. I planted this 5 yrs ago its taken over my garden
    please be aware of this . I have loads and am thinking how to get rid of it tbh. Im too scared to compost it in case I spread it more lol

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