June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Weather, fence, tree cutting and garden design

A little update on the property. Weather has been unusually good. Threw me off actually as I had planned on rebuilding several things in the house during the time that we normally have heavy snows. So…. instead, the last few months have been filled with reorganization on a daily basis.

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Weather, fence, tree cutting and garden design

  1. Those are some nice plans Jay, I'm really impressed! I hope it works out for you to exchange the chipper like that! It sure could really make a big difference for you overall. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Great stuff J Like the ideas. All the wood chips and horse sh:) It will be great for your garden. If that works out you are going to have some great soil man.
    ย The snow will come next month we will see. Halvor has lots we will get it late but I hope. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. What a source of compost all that manure will be for you.
    I cant see how any one can complain about you planting flowers in your garden. It is up to you what you plant in your garden and flowers are a part of any organic food growing project due to their attractiveness to beneficial organisms.

  4. You sure got a "luxury problem" outside with the lack of snow, J! You`ll get a long great working season for your garden. I have used a lot of horse manure the last years to improve old soil. (Have a neighbour with many coldblood trotters)
    I am amazed how quick horse manure works in the soil. Great stuff.

    Hope you`re doing well.
    Best wishes,

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