March 29, 2025

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Poorly Potatoes

  1. I grow potatoes in tubs and bags and I've spent an hour a day, with a hose, trying to keep them wet this last couple of weeks.  If you don't have easy access to water you are fighting a losing battle.  However, if we do get a decent rain that doesn't just run off the surface things should pick up.  Surely it's easier to just go to Tescos?  Why do we torture ourselves?
    Best Wishes, Brendan.

  2. I waited and waited for my leeks to get to pencil size and I think I may have waited too long so interesting to see that yours are doing fine.  Reckon I might get them in the ground earlier next year.  The ground can get very dry on top but potatoes have deep roots so they might not be as bad as you think.  I also think that most of us have taken our foot off the gas at the moment.  I know I have.  So much of what we are gong to get this year seems to be already decided and I am sure a bit of weeding will have your plot looking smart and tidy again.  Thanks for a great update and all the best.

  3. Does anybody know where I can get sweetcorn plugs or plants online? I REALLY want to grow it this year. Is it too late to sow a really early variety?

    Thanks for your help!

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