It has been a really busy month but at last I’m back home to make some more videos again. Just saying hello to everyone and I’ll be answering to as many comments as possible and checking out all the action from the other great channels out there! Plus a HUGE thank you for passing 10,000 subscribers! Unreal! If you are interested in the biochar I mentioned you can get it here:
Thanks for watching and please subscribe so you can stay up to date with what to do in the garden, tips, advice and how to’s including delicious recipes. You can subscribe here:
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Welcome back!
Great to see you back.
Glad to see ya back!!!!
glad you are back, keep it up fella, you seem to be getting more used to the camera in the last 6 months, keep on it!!
Nice that you're back. I missed your videos.
Welcome Back! and Congratulations!
Thats great
Welcome Back.
Congratulations! So happy for you.
Congratulations on your milestones! Glad to see you back,really enjoy your video's!
It's fantastic to see you back my friend ! Life seems to get in the way hey !
I look forward to see how your trials go!! @OneYardRevolution And I are always available for questions !
Welcome back !
Welcome back , missed you, congrats on the 10k mark.
Good to see you back mate, looking forward to more videos from you
Congrats on 10k subs!!!
missed you glad your back
I like the title and the same thing has been on my mind for a while, but I've been overloaded with the seed harvesting. Wow, that is a lot of subscribers! Congratulations.
Hey there sounds interesting the pollinating show idea's as well as the vertical gardening. Glad the weather is treating you guys well too.
Missed your videos… Glad you are back…!!!
Congratulations on 10,000 subscriber milestone Huw
Awesome! Do you think you will be doing another cooking week this year??
congrats on 10,000 subs wow that's a lot of eating
wow corn in the green house nice keep up the good work sir thanks for sharing.
I was wondering what the heck happened to you. You needed time off to shop for black socks. high five
Huw–do you know Cuckoo Pint? An interesting plant you have growing wild in the UK. Wiki says:
"The root of the cuckoo-pint, when roasted well, is edible and when ground was once traded under the name of Portland sago. It was used like salep (or salop) (a working class drink popular before the introduction of tea or coffee). It was also used as a substitute for arrowroot. If prepared incorrectly, it can be highly toxic so should be prepared with due diligence and caution.
The berries contain oxalates of saponins which have needle-shaped crystals which irritate the skin, mouth, tongue, and throat, and result in swelling of throat, difficulty breathing, burning pain, and upset stomach. However, their acrid taste coupled with the almost immediate tingling sensation in the mouth when consumed mean that large amounts are rarely taken and serious harm is unusual. It is one of the most common causes of accidental plant poisoning based on attendance at hospital A & E departments." :/
awesome, was wondering too…great great.
aw how you say tomato is so cute
you need way more subs huw. hoping the algorithm pushes you more. you are direct, well spoken and produce quality content!