June 10, 2024

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Dehydrating Yacon

  1. Did you save any that you could try freezing them? Thanks for sharing what you are doing. I transplanted mine into  a bigger tub. And it is doing well. I also had a friend on fb watch the South American video I told you about. He said they did not say much on why they were drying the leaves. But did get a reply that, they were making tea with them. I then did a search on Yacon tea. And found a study the did on mice. And with in 30 days renal damage happened. So I will not be trying the tea. It seems different key words provide new information. So have to get creative with search terms.

  2. Funny, when I saw John's vid, I also thought about the pulp of the juicer, only was thinking about composting them/feeding it to the worm-bin as it already was ground up pretty finely. I'll get one too sooner or later, altho it might be hard to clean it after juicing, which would prevent me from using it a lot ;o)

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