June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Building a terrace wall and a look at the property

Quick look at how I decided to build a short wall for a terraced bed and a look around at the springtime property for those who have been asking about it. The Wall is not yet complete as I made some last minute changes in the design I wanted and ran out of materials. There are many improvements that need to be made. Decideing exactly what improvements and how I wanted to do them was a bit difficult but I now have some idea about some of them. While I am still going to have a garden this year it will be reduced in size and quantity in order to focus on property improvements this year. Hopefully this will prepare us better for next year.

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Building a terrace wall and a look at the property

  1. by the time it gets to the point where you have to replace lumber, that single screw will have rusted enough that you can break it loose without tools. Then sawz all it clean once you pull the old material out.    Dirt has some serious weight.  you will probably need to brace thetop parts of the dimension uprights to keep it from leaning away from the weight.

  2. With pressure treated wood you should get 7 or 8 years as you said.. I there a slope on the ground? Nice bed with the stones surround for your broad beans. What a cherry tree WoW!  Be well

  3. Nice job.  I have some stone terracing and it requires maintenance! I thought they would be maintenance free.  I had pavers put down in the driveway that have faded beautifully. Build the walls little by little. It took us ten years but the look is just beautiful. Took my husband and several people ten years! lol.

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