March 29, 2025

VIDEO: A Rooster On The Homestead – Yay or Nay

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Rooster On The Homestead – Yay or Nay

  1. Hi Patara! Thank you for all the videos you do, as you have been very educational and helpful for me! Growing up, i had chickens a couple times, but when i was about 8, we had one very mean rooster that would come find me just to flog me, so I've been scared of them for many years. I thought it was just part of having them. Thank you so much for this and answering my questions of how NOT to get attacked.

  2. Hi, I'm sure you're very busy, but I have some black sex link hens that are about 19 weeks old now, and haven't laid an egg. Unfortunately we have a rooster that has been getting mean here lately. He has been getting into fights with the dog, and has flogged me several times. He has also been kind of rough with the hens, and I was wondering if it is possible that he is causing them to not lay eggs? I may just be impatient lol, but if that's the reason they aren't laying yet then we may have to do something about him. If you have any advice I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

  3. I don't have a rooster and my county law says I can only have 5 chicks in a residential area! yet, they only sell them in a six pack here! go figure!
    I am very surprised how quiet my baby's are!

  4. My aunt and uncle have a bunch a hens and they aren't fans of roosters to instead they got a turkey to protect the flock. They're happy with it and haven't lost any more hens since getting him.

  5. We got some straight runs from ideal hatchery. The Hamburg roosters, black langshan roosters, dark Cornish roosters and americauna roosters all began to flog. The worst was the hamburgs. They can fly and they flew towards our faces trying to stab us with their spurs. We ate every single one of them. lol. Our black jersey giant rooster is gentle with humans. Thank god because he's almost as big as a turkey.

  6. i got flogged two times in my hand resulting in permanent nerve damage. i rehomed him. he was rhode island red. my cuckoo and french blk copper marans hav not been aggressive at all so far

  7. yes there was a rooster in my last batch of chicks and he will make a wonderful pot pie. I work on breeding farm which had a 20 hen for 1 rooster. I know that seem extreme to me too! I think they will always speer you but the most important thing you didn't say anything about, and that is that darn crowing starting at light and going on to dark. that is why I say nay. love your Videos !!!!

  8. One strike and you're on the chopping block here, no second chances when small kids are involved with the chicken chores. We have had really nice americauna roos, and some nasty australorp and Wyandotte roos. Have a plan! Is great advice

  9. I have 17 pullets, 2 guinea fowls, and looks like 1 rooster. Another week or two they'll be ready for coop. Is this equation a good idea or bad idea? Is it too many hens for the rooster and if so what would happen? How would the rooster interact with the guineas?

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