A sustainable, self replicating, perennial dominated garden.Showing the progression of the forest from a dominantly annual system, to a perennial based system.
VIDEO: Natural Farming, Beyond Organic Gardening
A sustainable, self replicating, perennial dominated garden.Showing the progression of the forest from a dominantly annual system, to a perennial based system.
Your place looks beautiful!
You got a mini jungle going on there Brother! Looks Great.
i'll pay you to be able to visit your food forest!
Hi, James. Every thing looks great. Your going to have allot of melons and grapes So happy for you.
Looks like Jersey grows some nice watermelons! Nice job!
Love the videos dude
awesome ,everything is really going for it."watch out for that tree"
Big Question: What to eat first?
Holy crap dude!! Been following this from the start, just crazy to see the progress. Thanks for capturing it all!
Looking really, really good James. I am thinking once the trees get huge and produce a lot of shade, you probably won't get as much sun loving plants that give you food. Right now your first layer of your food forest (ground layer) is getting enough sun. That is going to change with time. What are your plans then? Am I wrong? Thank you for sharing.
Loved the tree cucumber! We are prepping for the new fall garden now. We really didn't get much this summer other than peppers beans and sweet potato. We will keep at it until the soil comes alive. Another 18 yards of mulch. Oh my!
wow! Beautiful season!
Its pure abundance!
the end was cute
Do you think a food forest is possible through raised garden beds? I am a veteran with a disability and the constant up and down and bending over that gardening requires, really takes a toll on my body. I have been trying to come up with ways to make my gardening easier for me and I just recently bought a new house so I have a blank convas to work with and I want to make it work for me.
During the summers here where I live their is an infestation of grasshoppers, so it seems that it would be very difficult to garden by your method. I'm gardening in rows and plan to make row covers to keep such critters out. On the other hand, I am making a separate herb garden with fruit trees and I should experiment with creating a food forest there. It's very inspiring to see what you are doing, and because of that I have resubscribed to your channel. This next winter don't be such a stranger .
Cherry trees, apple trees, plum trees, … will be attacked by deer. Grapes will be destroyed by deer and rabbits.Moles will kill a lot of your plants by digging tunnels close to the roots of your plants. Voles will eat your green vegges. Gophers will eat all you root plants. I am practicing natural farming and these are the real problem that I am facing everyday. Slugs will destroy your brassicca family of vegetables, including kale, collard, daikon, bok choy, … It is not that simple.
After viewing several of your videos, I noticed you don't trellis your tomatoes. It also appears you don't prune them. Can you please explain in detail how you work with your tomatoes please>
In talking to several gardeners who use wood chips, they indicate they always have a huge problem with grubs. Prior to using the wood chip method, no grubs. How do you work around this concern??
I love your melons! Such great results.