Fresh homegrown strawberries are a delicious taste of summer, but there are never enough! Fortunately, it’s easy to make more – absolutely free.
Strawberries produce long, leafless stalks called runners. These can be used to propagate new strawberry plants which are ready to begin cropping next season.
In this short video we explain how to easy it is to make new strawberry plants from runners so you can have an even bigger and better strawberry harvest next year.
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Thank you so much! This made it easy for me to start propagating some baby plants! Great video! I'm a noob with strawberries but this cut right to the chase! Cheers!
wow! i got a runner so that's very nice tips
Thanks for the advice, my strawberry plant is self seeded and has a few runners so I’m gonna try your idea and make new strawberry plants for friends and family. Last year I got a few tiny strawberry’s but they kind of dissapeared and I never got any to eat, this year my container has a handful of flowers but if anyone has any advice on actually getting the strawberry’s to grow and be eaten that would be amazing, my strawberry plant is in a square container and I’ve had it a few years but this year my PA pulled all the bad and dead roots and has re potted the remaining roots and I have lots of foliage but not many flowers. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.ty
I got on real good.
Hi sir,
Minimum strawberry runners plant how many gives fruits par plant with out runners production only fruits production?
Do hybrid strawberry plants produce fruit?
Berry helpful
Very informative
thank you so much i am a young child and intrested in these things i got a strawberry plant myself and that really helped
you are my idol xx
luv u
your are my roots to my strawberry
(my heart)
I have strawberry plants I dug up from someones yard. They are like a foot tall thought I was in for abundance of berries. Just looked (end June) and there are NO BERRIES forming! I will cut runners and starts off and put in pots. Kind of devastated…. Fertilized like once so far…
Now I know why my indoor strawberry plant was trying to escape through the windows!
Thankyou, will try see how it grows
Very easy to follow, thank you
thanks very nice
I love this video because it told me enough to make my own plant!I have NEVER tried planting a strawberry only buying from stores so I will sure try grow on and I will tell you how I got on.
Hi and thanks for the video very help full. The strawberry plants I get, grow grand sending out runners which I know now how to grow new strawberry plants from. The issue is how do you keep the fruit from going bad if it is sitting close or even on the soil. Thanks
Only after the third year of the strawberries can I use runners or can I use runners as soon as I see them ? I am confused.
I had a cheaky runner pop itself into a pot that I was trying to use to grow a french bean plant (didn't work). Glad I saw this, now I know what to do next. LOL
Thanks for your knowledge sharing , what temperature is the best for strawberry growing?
Thanks for this! I realised I had so many runners and I tried replanting them. Unfortunately the leaves are withering and I’m hoping it’s just an adjustment?
Do you think they’ll survive? I’m not sure if this is normal
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