June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Tomato Disease Tips & Why You Shouldn't Worry

Tomatoes and disease has always been a hot topic for gardeners but I challenge why we worry so much about trying to keep them disease free and in this video I show the ugly side of how I grow my tomatoes without much care at all!

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Tomato Disease Tips & Why You Shouldn't Worry

  1. Awesome video my wifes cat been using my tomato plants as litter box. I have it growing in a 2×4 box about a foot deep I seen a white moldy looking line running up the stock. So I put some pine cones and some new soil on top of it and flushed that nitrate from the cat pee with some water seems to be doing fine but there are also sprouting to we got bundles of tomatoes. Haven't found this video seems I've been wasting my time thanks friend great video pine cones work awesome to keep cats out of plants though

  2. Last year I left the tomatoes to do whatever they wanted. I even let the weeds grow up around them. No cages… the weeds were holding them up. It looked a mess. I thought for sure it would be a horrible year for tomatoes. At the end of the season I pulled back the weeds and discovered it was the best tomato season I had ever had. There were so many and they were so beautiful. I agree sometimes we tend to them a little too much. Oh sure, I probably should tend to them a little better this year… but I'm not going to stress too much. Thank you for the videos I think they're awesome

  3. This video is a breath of fresh air for me! I just spent the best part of the day worrying about why my tomato plants were wilting and shriveling up, and how on earth I'd protect them from NJ's hot and humid 95+ degree heat. I hung old bedsheets around my trellis to keep the baking heat off them, while my heart was sinking at the sight of my once beautiful tomato vines withering away. Then I came across your video, and a weight lifted off my shoulders. Why are we trying to achieve perfection? Perhaps it's the Instagram effect!

  4. Thats ok, but my tomatoes were lookong great, and now are in terrible condition, 3 tomatoes on 30 plants… sad… all my efforts lost, blight os destroying them, flowers dying, was hoping for some advice on how to save them…RIP

  5. We always have organic pesticides to use. Don't have to use chemical. I am not totally agree because agriculture got updated and improved than the earlier time. So I think we should take care of our plants as far as we can..its not about beauty rather its about keep them as disease free as possible.

  6. This is my first year gardening and I saw one of my tomatoes got early blight, I became so sad and hopeless. Thanks for the video it really made me feel less bad about it.

  7. thanks mate i just bought my first packet of tomato seeds ever and just watched a 18 min video on the types of problems the tomato can suffer from and that was just diseases he has another 18min video on tomato pests bloody Nora i was thinking of leaving the seeds in the packet ,i am glad i watched this its giving me the inspiration to have a go .thanks again

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