June 8, 2024

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Lupins – Allotment Grow How

  1. Hi Adam, leave your Lupine in, it will come back this year and if you wish, after it has flowered and died back when it's dormant, you could divide it and get a couple or three plants! Nice tidy Plot! lovely shot of the "Buzzards" and the nesting birds. All the best, my friend.

  2. Hi Adam, another bril video. Good luck with the lupin and don't forget to keep your eye out for blackfly. They love lupins as well as broad beans. I too have three bird boxes in my garden which are being examined daily by blue tits. I also made a box for your sis. which also has been looked into. By the way, I have now potted up the cosmos that I mentioned to you last time so all we need now is for them to come on, then I can harden them off ready to go outside. Looking forward to the next video. Dave.

  3. Hi, nice looking plant, you made me chuckle I think you need to dig more regularly? are those new boots there not the talking ones I remember lol thanks.

  4. I have a funny feeling what you folks call buzzards we call hawks.  Buzzards around here are Gad awful looking creatures.  Great vid bud.  Thanks…

  5. Nice lupine Adam, they are a roadside weed here and when in bloom you can drive for miles enjoying the beautiful purple , pink , yellow and white flowers . A very nice option to the recent hogweed invasion. From atlantic Canada have a successful year. All the best.

  6. Great update Adam! I love lupins too, might grow some dwarf ones next year. They smell good too. Apparently you should pile turf upside down so it can break down, ideally covered with polythene or something. Most of the nutrients are in the top layer so I was told 🙂 Wow, you have buzzards…we have pigeons! Onions and shallots coming along great, better than mine! I did actually sniff at 10:59 but I think you're exagerating, I couldn't smell a thing 😉 Jazz.

  7. Looks like you were working hard there mate. Well done getting it all ready for the season. You must be pretty chuffed with progress so far even if it is all a bit of a dig. All the best.

  8. I've just moved into a home with a garden and there is NOTHING in it. At the moment I am digging and it seems endless. Got my dad (who is a pro in his allotment, well I like to think so) to make me a raised bed for myself and to dabble in a bit of veg and fruit growing. But with the rest of my garden I'm trying to integrate vegetable areas with flowers that might benefit each other. I have no idea how this will pan out. But, I have been buying mostly seeds as it's much more cost effective for me (although I need the patience of a saint to wait for everything to grow!) and Lupin is one I am seeding. I've seen them and they are STUNNING when mature.

  9. Love your video on lupines. I'm new at growing them , also, so you are helping me out. Keep the videos coming. Where is your garden? Somewhere in the UK, I'm guessing… Thanks!

  10. You might be pleased to know that there's no need to dig that deep,just scrape the surface and keep adding mulch and green manure because over time you will have fabulous soil.Also never use a spade always a fork if you must make a trench or hole otherwise you are breaking up the soil structure and that's the last thing you want for healthy soil.Looking forward to seeing your fabulous lupine.

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