March 23, 2025


I get asked all the time how old is “too old” when sprouting seed. In this episode we will be sprouting seeds that are from 1930 making them 87 years old. The crazier thing is that they have been sealed for decades in a glass box for presentation purposes. But will they sprout? We have to find out!
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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: SPROUTING 87 YEAR OLD VEGETABLE SEEDS – Resurrecting Lost Genetics

  1. I know this an old video, but it’s my first time watching it and I’m on the edge of my seat. Sadly I watched the series in reverse because that’s how it was introduced to me on YouTube, but I’m still totally engaged in this video!! I love history, I love gardening and I love this video! Thank you for sharing this and bringing back an extinct tomato variety.

  2. Research from UC Davis says that you should skim the floating seeds. "Although skimming can be a tedious process, research has tied most

    contamination to these materials (From UC Davis publication 8151)"

  3. no no! dont use them all! is what i think when you open the first packet. update: cant believe you poured in the entire contents of the packs, that is just wrong, and not given some to seed banks that know better than you do on saving storing and preserving original seeds for future generations. when science and technology has advanced more. this had me fascinated, so on and off between sleeping, today ive watched some of the updates videos, really interesting.

  4. what sort of sugar is in the sugar solution? average bog standard white refined granulated sugar from shop, or something more natural? also hydrogen peroxide solution is menioned but what percentage/ how much hydrogen peroxide to water?

  5. would be interesting to get reactions from people in their 70's, 80's or 90's whom either grew themselves, or remembers their parents growing these varieties. In the uk from the second world war well into the 1950's, with rationing and many items not being available in any shops, everyone grew their own fruit n veg, and also had livestock in their back garden, and now with covid 19 n many items not being available in the shops, people in their thousands again have been growing their own (people whom did not do gardening before covid 19 first broke out).

  6. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that shadowbox is not old at all. The seed packets may be old, but the shadowbox story from the 30s is bogus.

  7. I know I'm late to this party, however is it 4 to 5 hours in the sugar solution or 24 hours? I believe at the beginning of the video you said 24 then changed to 4 to 5. I need to know please

  8. I was so excited watching this video, my stomach did flips when you opened the Tomato package. You are so patient, I know you were really nervous but still you managed to be gentle.

  9. Hello MI
    I'm really interested in bringing back giant crimson tomatoes again to the world.. I'm a farmer from Saudi Arabia and I would really be happy to help you out with rare seeds

  10. If those sprout please harvest every seed and continue to grow them.
    Offer what you can to other growers.
    Great for you… Smiles all day.
    I do the same thing but not 1930…lol

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