June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Growing okra in a non native environment

I’ve been trying to grow okra for the past 2 years in a northern climate. The first year was a disaster. Last year I got healthy plants but not much produce. This year looks like I may have better success. For the most part I do not try to grow plants that are not native to my climate but my wife and I love okra and to get it shipped to us is very expensive so I am making an exception in this case.

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing okra in a non native environment

  1. I tried it once here in the UK.
    I direct sowed and it started to grow but I think I should have started them indoors to allow for a longer growing period due to the shorter summer in comparison to the southern states.
    Thanks for the reminder to get some seeds on the go asap.

    btw….I just read that planting peppers next to them keeps the cabbage worms away, as these tend to like feasting on young okra plants.

    Will be watching to see what information I can gleam about growing this in a different climate.

  2. Heat is a key for okra. I had to re start the Charles Write pot belly okra 3 times. It was not till June I got 2 to work out in a pot. Direct seed did not work. I think you got them from Drew.

  3. I know nothing of okra But got two to start see how they do here. Each of the sun berries will grow into a bush 2 foot tall or so.Wait till the berries are black and almost over ripe go good in pots or the ground but put them some place the will not out grow the plants around them when they are full with fruit the will tend to flop you get lots of fruit from one plant.

  4. The mini eggplants might grow a bit better for you with the short season Jay. Ours matured faster than the larger varieties we've grown.
    Am thinking you're right with the direct sowing of the okra. Our best plants in the past were all direct sown. Will be interesting what the ones you pop outside turn out like.
    All the best to you & the family mate.

  5. We usually go straight to soil, but as you know we have a bit warmer climate. I need to ask the wife, she may have soaked them prior to planting them. I will let you know. Those spineless where very late bloomers. The Jumbo Okra will keep you busy once they come on. It is encouraging to seeing them sprouting!
    I look forward to seeing your progress with these. Good Luck!!!

  6. Looks like you have pretty good success there. I've grown okra for the first time this last summer (here in Oz) so I'm probably no good for advice on growing. Ours grew well but the pods ripen so fast and get stringy – trial and error I guess… I did notice out of my dozen seeds only a few plants germinated so they are a little finicky although we really only needed two plants since they are so large! Cheers 🙂

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