June 8, 2024

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Hyacinths in a Glass Jar

  1. I am amazed the roots don't mind the light!! Great looking vase with that growing in there. That trail cam is going to film some interesting stuff! You are going to have some big veg on the go, I'm looking forward to getting this year started:))

  2. Hi Adam. Look at those roots? I never knew that was how abundant they are under the ground. I've often seen those set ups in the store, but I've never actually seen them in bloom. Nature sure has a way of taking care of things, doesn't it?

    I don't grow Atlantic Giant pumpkin, but in our Zone 7 garden we do grow Long Island Cheese Pumpkins, a heritage variety that was almost lost up until the 1970's. Anyway, we make a large, huge compost pile of leaves in the fall, then in a five gal bucket with the bottom cut out, we shove that into the leaves, put a few scoops of soil into it, and plant the pumpkin plants! Generally we water when we plant out and as long as it is not too dry during the season, we don't do another thing to them and they LOVE being in the leave compost pile. I don't know if you collect many leaves in the fall in your compost bins, but it might be worth trying next year. Happy Gardening! Catherine

  3. Hi Adam
    Looking forward to your wildlife videos. We have an 8 foot fence around our garden to keep out the deer but now we have wild turkeys visiting and they just fly over the fence. 6 inches of fresh snow today and it will probably be March before I can get in the garden. All the best in 2018.

  4. Yes sir that is hydro growing right there. It is amazing the roots are liking that clear vase. Are you going to keep it in hydro or transplanting? Camera is great idea to find out where them rabbits be getting in at. Can't wait to see what all you catch on it.

  5. Wow those roots are amazing! My plot neighbour has one of those cameras set up in his chicken coop lol he caught the thiefs that stole his hens last year and managed to enjoy watching the cockeral attacking the thieves too 🙂

  6. I'm not sure if I prefer the flower on the Hyacinth or the roots, it looks spectacular mate, well done. We cut a few hyacinths the other year and bought them into the house but then had to move them to the front doorstep as the aroma was so strong. I will be watching the giant veg attempt with a keen eye.

  7. Can't wait to see what's roaming round the veg patch. Also down here in the south west nothing but rain also. I'd never guess that a bulb would just grow in water mmm interesting. Great stuff as always.

  8. Hi Adam the roots on that Hyacinth almost looks alien , good luck with the cam i'll look forward to seeing what happens with that, you never know what your gonna get lol.

  9. Hi Adam, nice looking hyacinth. Great idea to get the trail cam. You’ll definitely get an idea what Wildlife visits the plot and hopefully catch where the bunnies are coming from. Could you somehow link it to something that makes a loud noise to scare them off? Take care. Nick

  10. Hi Adam, I have also bought some Atlantic Giant pumpkin seeds this year so we will see who can get the biggest. Also, please show me the results you have with your new camera when you have it up and running. See you soon. Dave.

  11. Adam, I'll be really interested to see what type of footage and the quality you get out of that camera. I'm thinking of getting one of them too so I can see what characters visit our poultry pen and try flogging our eggs when I'm not around… Hey, enough of that P-Peppers your video might get flagged as inappropriate! LOL – kidding… Cheers 🙂

  12. nice looking Hyacinth !! i wish i had the space to grow giant veg but until them i'll stick to normal size ones !! good look trying to catch that rabbit lol we will have to start calling you Elmer Fudd as a nickname lol

  13. Hi Adam, just subscribed. Enjoying your video's. I got myself one of them camera's a few years back and they're great at catching what goes on when your not there. I posted a couple on my channel. Look forward to seeing the results.
    All the best Nick

  14. Plants are truly amazing. I remember growing them like that with my Granny. I love hyacinth flowers I really should get some bulbs to plant.

    Do giant veggies really taste good or are they just massive insipid veggies?

    Be cool to see the wildlife you catch on the camera!

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