June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Separating and Planting High Density Seeded Onions

We are planting out our onion bed and we will be separating out our onions that we densely seeded about 4 weeks ago. This method is great for anyone wanting to grow from seed but doesn’t have a ton of space.
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Separating and Planting High Density Seeded Onions

  1. Last year I tried planting onion seed directly into the soil and three plants came up. Next year I will try this 1000 seedlings in a small space version!!

  2. I planted 100's of onion plants a few weeks ago and the next day 1/3 to half of them were pulled out of the ground and the tops pulled under the ground making it look like they were planted upside down. Also were being dragged under the landscape fabric the is on the side of the bed. We straighted them up and replanted them and have been doing this nearly everyday and can't figure out what is taking the tops down into the ground. Getting really annoying to keep having to replant them. Slugs? Beetles? Worms? Anyone have an idea? Sometime the tops are 3 to 4 inches down in the soil.

  3. Hey luke, I'm just up getting the fire going again because I don't want to get up to a cold house in the morning. But you might be able to answer my question. When growing onions from seed, I heard about this "giving them a haircut", In other words, cutting them back once they've grown so big. Is that something I have to do?

  4. Went ahead and planted one third of my onions today. Here in southern Colorado were seeing beautiful days in the 50s amd today it got about 60. I know ill have more snow but I'm seeing just how cold hardy these little guys are. The roots werent as large as in this video so itll be interesting to see if they take well. The rest im allowing to get bigger and will replace the ones I planted if necessary. Great video

  5. I’m slightly confused, you started those onions from seed in early May, then planted in the garden late May, they will still grow with the heat of summer?

    I live in Western Maryland, would I still have time to start my seeds?

  6. I've taken a 3/4 plywood piece 24×24 inches spaced so everything is 4 inches apart for my bed marked an added dowels on bottom an screwed into plywood also had old wood handle I screwed into top of plywood my soil isnt hard so just press with foot an grab handle pull up then move forward very easy on bed 20 feet long an 24 inches wide not hard on back planting each one separately an took very little time

  7. A suggestion, clip the plants down to4 or 5 inch heights. Onions will not flop over, they'll lose less water through transpiration, and you can eat the tops.

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