March 19, 2025

VIDEO: Diatomaceous Earth (DE) All Natural Pest Control – What it Can and Can’t Be Used On

What is Diatomaceous earth? What can it be used on, what can’t it be used on, and what are you wasting your time using it on? In this episode I will be breaking down all there is to know about this amazing organic insect control and how to better control pests in the garden. Check out our new clothing line!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Diatomaceous Earth (DE) All Natural Pest Control – What it Can and Can’t Be Used On

  1. Sir, you are NOT interested in keeping your videos efficient and to the point. You repeat yourself a lot and spend way too much time justifying and explaining yourself. I put you on fast forward and fast forward through the introduction in the name of GETTING TO THE POINT.

  2. DE works on insects that breath through their thoraxes. So the DE acts on their ability to breath. The sillca in DE acts like mini razors. It will kill most insects benign or not cause of the way the insect breaths it in.

  3. NEW sub again–Sorry but U go on-on-on when U could explain it in just a few minutes. All U have to say is whether it is good to use it on this or that.

  4. I wish I would have known this BEFORE I bought 2 big buckets. Should I even be using this if I'm not sure whats in the garden? What about the earth worms? Is using DE worth killing the earth worms? I wish you would have shown examples of how bad an arthropod infestation looks like to warrant usine the product.

  5. Does DE get passed down through chickens digestive system into compost and kills earth worms?
    because like you said some say it does not harm worms.

  6. Ty so much. This year's lesson for me is discovering flea beetles in my Napa. I've been spraying with neem and castile soap yesterday. Not sure if it's gonna work. May try this.

  7. Once, I used DE on my tomato plants. Over the next few days I began seeing bees that could barely fly and eventually they died. When they landed on my tomato flowers the DE stuck to their bodies and they eventually dehydrated.

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