March 6, 2025

VIDEO: Well, she's not pregnant | All about our goats & the kitchen progress | VLOG

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Well, she's not pregnant | All about our goats & the kitchen progress | VLOG

  1. I found an article on using dill (or basil or marigolds) planted by tomatoes to help keep horned worms away. Dill is working good at my house, not at my friend's 70 miles away. I'd rather not fo marigolds due to bad allergy. What do you use?

  2. Oooo that watermelon looks awesome Jess! Unfortunately my growing season is coming to an end here in Central Florida. The garden looks great as always! I think the photo idea is great! I'm printing a lot of my garden pictures out to hang them on the wall this yr..

  3. Walmart has rings that have clips on them so you don’t have to remove the rings, you can just re clip! They actually look nice! Maybe something like that so you don’t have to unhook the rings everytime! Plus they would match really well with your kitchen I think!

  4. I really hope you don’t get many messages calling you a monster because you cut off your goats’ ears. People can do a little googling before putting THAT out into the world.

  5. My cat is so used to your voice because I watch as many of your videos as I can. Grayson (He is gray, and my son) says "Brrimp" and jumps up to see the video when I have my laptop open.

  6. Love your goaties! I’ve always thought Nestle was the cutest, I love her spots! I noticed that you don’t disbud/dehorn them. Other goat owners say that this has caused issues for them because the goats will be destructive with their horns; to fences, to each other, etc. I’ve watched the disbudding process and it breaks my heart, but I understand why people do it. Do you find there are advantages to leaving their horns, or do you just not care to go through the disbudding process? (Totally understandable, I wouldn’t want to either). I hope to own goats one day when we have property. Blessings to you ❤️

  7. Regarding your pecan problem – pecans need lots and lots of water. Even flooding the area. The reason for the water is that the tree sucks it up and the water goes into the forming shells. The water in the shells forms the pecans. So if the trees do not get enough water the pecans will be puny. When I lived in Arizona our neighbors would flood their trees. It might be that you could get away without flooding in your rain climate. I'm not sure about that, but I do know that you have a water problem.

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