March 23, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Increase Germination Rate of Direct Sown Seeds in Summer

  1. Thank you this is very helpful. I'm literally in the process of planting and had no idea and how to ensure germination would happen correctly. Now I know what to try. Thanks.

  2. Second time trying lettuce mix in a 5 gallon bucket has been a success. I keep them near my house where they are in the Sun in the morning and then the house shades them from about 12pm onward.

  3. Yes I am pulling beets and turnips now to replant for a second harvest. Thanks for the tips! Onions are close to being pulled too. I kept onions going by cutting off the tops and any flowers. It worked! I bought small bags of straw at a local feed store (a whole bale of straw would have filled up the back of my SUV and weighs like 70 pounds). I installed 1/4 soaker hoses 12-inches deep in my 17-inch deep raised metal beds. I used blocks of coir from Home Depot. Throw it in a bucket and add water. I filled rows with that coir and had excellent germination rates in the spring. Guessing the coir covered with cardboard would also work!

  4. Help! A little off topic but, I just learned about wintering over certain types of onions. My problem is that I can't find any for sale. It seems as though they are only sold from Jan-May. Where do people get their onions for fall planting?

  5. You need to get your self a wide brimmed hat like landscapers, construction workers, pool maintenance worker, etc. wear…

  6. Yes please, any videos sharing how you preserve or maybe favorite ways you prepare some of these. Recently discovered your channel, this summer. Amazing, helpful information! Thank you!

  7. i've gotten a couple of bizarre tans while gardening. always got a watch, sandal, and tshirt tan. my skin is so pale, i can't even find a makeup foundation thats light enough, and i burn after a 20 minute convertible ride!

  8. How long should i wait to plant more seeds correctly? I sowed a bunch 2 weeks ago, only a couple sprouted. Should i sow more or wait? We did have quite the chill for at least one of those weeks

  9. Going to try carrots and parsnps again. Going home from recouping medically for both me and my husband. Couldnt make transplants to take home so the first time in years going to direct sow everything. I have very healthy beds so hoping Roma tomatoes and smaller peppers will be the best way to go. Love your site.

  10. From MI myself. Have watched and been recommended to watch. Funny, I told my guy that I was going to seed my garden tomorrow and he was concerned (103° today) I said, don't worry, I am covering with cardboard! HA! MI knowledge and intuition!

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