June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Rapid Rooter Plugs vs Rockwool Experiment growing Hydroponically and in Soil with Tiny Tim Tomatoes

Which is better for starting seeds? Rapid Rooter plugs that are infused with hydroponic micronutrients, or rockwool which is inert. In this experiment I plant Tiny Tim tomato seeds into 2 Rapid Rooter plugs, and 2 rockwool cubes. I follow the seeds through germination until about 6 weeks of growth when it becomes obvious whether there is a winner or not. I hope you enjoy this showdown between two rivals. Thanks for watching!

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Rapid Rooter Plugs vs Rockwool Experiment growing Hydroponically and in Soil with Tiny Tim Tomatoes

  1. Smart use of the Kratkey as control. That short-legged rockwool plant was…begging for 'nutes. You really get to the root of a question and share it with us, thank you!

  2. Another great video! I've given up trying to grow outside and in the ground here in Florida because there's always something you have to fight off whether it be various molds, monstrous grasshoppers, inch worms, ect. but after a year off I think I will start growing hydroponically inside following some of your research. Times don't look to be getting any better and I want fresh produce even if the economy collapses. Thanks for all your videos!

  3. I only discovered your channel this week, my friend TIKKI O., but it is by far one of the best gardening channels out there! I have definitely rekindled my flame for a return to the ground, please don't stop gardening, keep up the content, bravooo, GO GO GO GOOOOOO!!!

  4. Nice test Tikki great info on both!
    A little off topic but how do you like the tiny Tim’s flavor compared to aero garden cherry tomatoes in hydroponics? I know you’ve done now both. Which grown hydroponically do you prefer?

    Thanks for your videos

  5. I bought the rapid rooter plugs in 2014 and didn't use them until 2020 and they still had lots of moisture in the bag (weird) but yeah they worked great, I went with them cuz i heard using rockwool leads to ph problems and i didn't want any problems for baby plants i want them on autopilot until they're big enough to have problems & surviving them.

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