March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Inflation In Front of Your Face

More truth! Be ready for what continues to come!
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching! 😊
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#appalachiashomestead #easttennesseehomesteader #getbusy #preparedness

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Inflation In Front of Your Face

  1. The price goes up, and the quantity goes down. It all adds up even little things that you don't notice. And add that up with the gas prices and our current president and his administration. People need to start turning to God with prayers.

  2. as i watched dou i'd start to cry!
    not because you make me afaid!!!!
    it was because of your words …they touched me….my mindset is simular.
    i wish you the verry best!
    Sorry for my poor english! i had so many more things to say but i have not the neccesary words to do so.
    live long , healthy and prosper.
    we will meet sometime for that i am shure!
    again good luck from me and my family.

  3. You are my Soul Sister! I feel 100% the same way…. my family think I’m crazy but they will be coming to me when the going gets touch! Just having these back up supplies reduces my stress!

  4. Its a distraction from the last 2 years , dont be drawn away from the problems in your own country . Russia is not syria or afghanistan they have a real army , usa would have to send 250k young men and women to die over there , there is no will for that .

  5. My advice to y’all if possible would be toget some Gold and Silver as well as food stocks while it’s still available The dollar will NOT be strengthening much longer in my opinion

  6. Amen sister. It will be charity starts at home first. Others as I can. Stay close to the Lord. Thank you for your affirmation. God bless you and yours.

  7. Everything we do is for the future. We have chickens not for pets but for food. We got dairy goats for milk. We save seeds. Even years ago we bought our property because it has water. We have been doing this so long now it is just our way of life. It has paid off so many times when things have gotten rough for us. Now even us are upping our game.

  8. SPOT-ON … my husband & I have been going down a lot of rabbit holes all the time… We don't watch Main stream media…we get information from other places like, AND WE KNOW on Telegram,(along with other shows) safe chat, X22 report, rumble, bitchut etc… bought some gold & silver after 911, it's gone up by 12k been stocking shelves etc. Buying ammo,Thank you for your thoughts, Prayers to you & your family, GOD BLESS!

  9. I am so glad I found your channel. I have been so alone. My area people are asleep. I can see it here in Ohio. My opinion the local grocery stores will be empty with the rising gas prices and people staying local. It will be hard enough to use your gas for going to work. I am starting to can my freezer meat just in case power goes out and i dont have to worry about more gas for a generator. Trying to get my son and wife to wake up and sometimes I hide filling my pantry so I dont get the eye roll. Thanks for your videos.

  10. I am one of those people who have plenty of money , but I am also a prepper. We have been for many years. We have three homes but at each home we have storage for food, water, extra meds, you name it if we might need it we have it! I used to laugh at my husband because I thought th t he was maybe just going a little overboard with it. Guess what? Covid hit and we had weeks of freezing weather and we were set so well. We were eating good food, had propane so we could cook, had back up power when thousands were without electricity . And people freezing. I wanted to go out and help take care of these people. I am not a young and healthy person . I give money to so many charities ! It just all came to a big reality moment for me. I no longer thought my husband was over the top! I was comfortable my family was comfortable and we were out helping others . We lost tons of money when stock market fell. I realized that we could have lost it all! Fortunately for my husband he also has other ideas and has secured us on that front as well. He is a smart man! And I love to watch you be so honest to people! Keep on going ! And then make us a cake! Lol

  11. Im
    Frustrated with you! I finally came to the conclusion that you can lead a horse to water but you cant force it to drink. People have chosen the cool aid instead.
    And it says in the end times there will be scoffers.
    I believe God has had me stocking up for actually over a year.
    There are so many prophecies being fulfilled right now before our eyes!

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