#AcreHomestead #BackyardHomestead #growingfood
Green Stalk (Use Code ACRE for $10 an Order of $75+) –https://lddy.no/13ezw
Products Mentioned
Dwarf Sunflower Seeds – https://shrsl.com/3l8q5
Root Bags – https://shrsl.com/3cd17
Grow Lights – https://shrsl.com/3cttb
Heat Matt – https://shrsl.com/3cttq
Online Seed Companies I Order From:
Hoss Tools – https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=862842&u=2917589&m=65739&urllink=&afftrack=
MI Gardener (Use Code ACRE for 10% OFF) – https://migardener.com/?ref=4jEfPKG3z651q
Seeds for Generations – https://seedsforgenerations.com/?utm_campaign=SeedOrganization&utm_medium=YouTube&utm_source=AcreHomestead&ref=186&campaign=SeedOrganization
Butcher Box – If you shop through my Butcher Box link you will get 2 lbs of FREE 100% grass-fed, grass-finished ground beef in every order for the life of your membership, plus $10 off the first box! https://bchrbox.co/scratchpantry
The Canning Lids I Use | Use Code ACREHOME10 for 10% off – https://forjars.co?sca_ref=1911244.vcLLwyZBhg
Canning Supplies I Used:
Electric Presto Pressure Canner – https://amzn.to/3JxsUlL
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) — https://amzn.to/3w2SZlX
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan — https://amzn.to/2SjodX0
Stainless Steel Strainers — https://amzn.to/3eaM8As
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit — https://amzn.to/3eafXkv
30-Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books – https://amzn.to/3mCLKyT
A Year Without The Grocery Store Book – https://amzn.to/3CE4Mdz
Azure Standard – https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=5aefb8cc26
Redmond Real Salt | Use Code ACRE for 15% off
Organic and Biodynamic Wine Club – https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=999743&u=2917589&m=32643&urllink=&afftrack=
Freeze Dryer –https://affiliates.harvestright.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=1129&url=160&tid1=youtube&tid2=20211021&tid3=_WF-0osKFGw
Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687
Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!
I'm laughing about the Borage. It's prolific!!!!! And initially they resemble Cucumbers germinating. I haven't planted them in years but I have them in my garden.
What is the name of that pretty blue flower??
Hi Becky, what kinds of food do you put coriander in? I love blue hubbard squash. What is a ground cherry?
Love your garden! FYI, use UV permanent markers are available for your plant tags, it will last all season from Sun fading.
Too bad y’all don’t like cucumbers.. mine are climbing like crazy!! They would fill in your trellis!!
I love all of your videos.. cooking, peeping, tours, home improvement… but I really don’t like watching you eat your garden and talk… I’m sorry!!! It’s just me.. but please?
I love your videos so much, so cool seeing a full garden tour! Also yarrow is pronounce like arrow, with a y!!
BECKY When it comes to tzitziki.please don't freeze shredded cucumber as its mostly water. juice the cucumber and freeze the liquid only. when making it strain the yogurt in a coffee filter in a strainer for an hour instead. you ll be amazed how much water will come out of regular yogurt. Measure the liquid. if for example it measures 1/2 c dispose and replace with 1/4 C of cucumber juice and 2 tsp, of dry dill. I lived on this the whole time when I was preg, Let me know how you make out.
Maybe having more weeds has helped keep moisture in the garden. Maybe weeding is bad. Big time farmers don't weed and they sure get good results. Just a thought.
Becky, thank you for sharing!
Hi Becky. Those green coriander seeds are AMAZING to use in the kitchen too! Crush them a bit and use them in salsa, curries, salads, white fish dishes, preserve them in brine or ferment them. Delish.
They are technically the green fruit that surround the unripe seed so they have a flavour between cilantro and coriander and add an almost lemony zing to dishes. Give them a try.
You can rent an apple press at Baders in Vancouver!
Hi Becky. Can you collect the celery seed off tge ce.ery that is to old?
Hi Becky….just wondering if u are selling your current home and if so when….here in new zealand we usually gave 6 weeks from purchase to move into the property date but when we move out then the new owners move in within a day or 2 of us having moved out…take care and all the best with the move! Blessings for your coming little one also!! So exciting!! Love your new forever home!!
Love this seeing what you grow and harvest, we have potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, rhubarb, and peppers, I find peppers grow better in a greenhouse, we had major issues with cabbages and cauliflowers this year they have been eaten with caterpillars and slugs so a lesson learned, going to try onions, Brussels, and squash or pumpkins I think. loved going around the garden with you. The weather here in England is hot right now. love to you all xxx
Thank you for the tour of your garden. I look at this like lessons on gardening. I am learning so much. You are awesome Becky and Josh.
My grandfather was from Vermont and he loved growing blue Hubbard squash. They were one of his favorites.
what are those purple flowers by your greenbeans, not the borage
I will always till the areas where it is appropriate and BE garden where it is appropriate. There is not a perfect or best way. Your whole garden has been taken over because of neglect, not because you tilled the corn patch! YOU have been spread too thin this year with so much going on. You will have such a wonderful garden in the years ahead! If you need to till to prepare a large area to loosen the soil and till in some compost…that’s good. The soil ‘nazis’ are all on the internet looking for an infraction. Most of them probably don’t even garden. Once you have a healthy soil with lots of nutrients then you may not have to till again. You have an amazing garden for the few years you have had it, not to mention all the ways you are being pulled this year! Bye the way…Congratulations Mom-to-Be! A whole new wonderful world is opening up to you and Josh!
I am allergic to echinacea…. I tried taking it for years when I was getting a cold and it just made me sicker…
Just so you know… Asian pears act as a meat tenderizer when you include them in marinades and barbecue sauces…
Beautiful tour!
How did your strawberries come out did you get enough to can make strawberry jam or jelly or freeze some let us know
Are you going to take the soil from this garden to the new house.our start with new soil for the new garden.
The real little onions be good for stews