June 11, 2024

VIDEO: 7 Corn Growing Mistakes to Avoid

Growing corn is one of the most classic summer activities you can imagine in the garden…but it’s oddly difficult to do successfully! We’ve made just about every mistake growing it you can imagine, so skip through failure by avoiding these 7 mistakes.

00:00 – Intro
00:31 – Not Planting Enough
01:11 – Spotty Germination
02:05 – Soil Preparation
02:46 – Improper Fertilization
03:31 – Watering
04:11 – Not Planting Deep Enough
04:56 – Untimely Harvesting
08:31 – Taste Test


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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: 7 Corn Growing Mistakes to Avoid

  1. When I was a kid, I went on a tour of a corn farm that allowed you to keep whatever you picked. Suffice to say, when the tour guide picked an ear off for the demonstration and there was a large worm, everyone wanted that ear because supposedly that means that that ear of corn is sweeter than the ones without worms. Could be bullshit, but I dunno.

  2. I grew Honey and Cream corn this year. Just harvested yesterday. Pollination was good, timing was perfect. Yum yum yummy on the grill!!! My only issue: the darn raccoons came through the garden a few times and would tear off cobs, take a bite or two and toss ‘em! Arrrrg! So frustrating! I was the angry gardener swearing at them darn animals! Stay outta my garden! Lol!
    Thanks for the tips tho!

  3. Umm, I wouldn’t wait to pick until the corn until so late. The corn will be much more tender picked a little early. If you wait until the silks are super dry and ready to come off, the kernels can be really tough, starchy, and chewy.

  4. Hmmm I may have not planted enough corn seeds this season. Well, I'll be happy with whatever success I do get. It's only my first season of raised bed gardening after all! Your videos have been very helpful as I start this new journey!

  5. Hello! First time gardener this year. So I made the mistake of growing ONE line of corn with very bad germination. The corn that did grow looks amazing so far, very tall and bushy. I'm worried about when it's time for pollination. Am I able to take off the tassel from the plant and hand pollinate? Like a good 10 min per corn? ALSO SIDENOTE, I have stray cats that pee around the corn. upon further googling I read that urea is excellent for corn and will you believe it, cat pee is very high in nitrogen. I'm guessing that's why my corn looks as good as it does. Kinda gross to think about though haha

  6. I grew corn last year here in Hershey PA, 2 types of sweet 1 faster growing and other normal time. It can be tricky to get it all to pollinate because there is only a window of time for the male part to basically spread and if your ears have not silted much then they almost get no pollen but you can try to do it manually. It is a great crop to watch grow and play around with but it can get a little depressing when your corn does not get that sweetness we expect. I chose not to grow it this year and just buy from local farmers but I am really interested in trying to grow some corn for popcorn next year. If you have any info or tips for growingg popcorn type corn I would love a video on it.

  7. Something else to keep in mind is you make sure you're planting edibles at least 2 weeks ahead of ornamentals. You don't want these pollinating at the same time.
    Since you're in a longer growing season you could also succession plant. As soon as you realized the areas that didn't germinate due to lack of water, you could have done a second planting and made sure you attended to those watering issues.
    I'm personally a little jealous, because those ears looked super tasty!

  8. Love the show. You didn't mention the cause of not getting any silks. For the third year now, I haven't gotten silks. Instead I get ants all over it and a mucky color. The plant grows fine, I get tassels but not silks. I wish I could send a picture.

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