March 22, 2025

VIDEO: 화분걸이 매듭ㅣDIY Plant Hanger with rope

끈으로 화분걸이 매듭을 해보았다. +음악(Youtube free music) Finding Light – Dan Lebowitz.mp3 +카메라(camera) 소니 a6400 (Sony a6400) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC) +촬영/편집 : Korean Gardener 초록식물TV #매듭 #화분걸이 #DIY_Plant_Hanger + Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA)

VIDEO: Best 30+ Year Old Garden Tool for Digging or Planting

I’ve had this garden tool now for over 30 years and it’s still going strong! This gardening hand tool is great as a cultivator or garden hoe and even for seed drills or everyday planting etc. Buy entrenching tool on Amazon: Buy entrenching tool on Ebay: Support me on Patreon: Help support…

VIDEO: Cheap and Easy $35 Aquaponics / Hydroponics Setup

MORE STUFF LIKE THIS @ How to build the cheapest and easiest setup for aquaponics and hydroponics! If this works, this setup could just be the cheapest aquaponics setup ever. But it ALSO will relook at the way we see aquaponics setups in the future. No longer will you need multiple pumps and reservoirs,…

VIDEO: Best Herbs for Growing Indoors

After a bit of research I’ve come up with a list of great herbs that you can easily grow on a window sill and I have added interesting facts with some herbs and also best place to put them and looking after them. It would be amazing if you could like and add this to…

VIDEO: Merry Christmas!

Just a quick note to say merry Christmas to everyone and a few shout-outs and also what causes the lack of videos! Check out these channels: PS: Stay tuned for a new interesting fruit, and the beginning of the great super hot chili growing!

VIDEO: The BEST Camera Tripod Trick (HD)

This is a great trick in this simple how-to video about panning around really smoothly with a simple household object but you have to watch the video to find out how! Please subscribe like and comment and check out my Channel for more videos and my Facebook Page: And these great Channels:…